The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2166
  • Lol @jlz666 you sneaky lass..hee hee..yes the road conditions wouldn't bee a problem if they aren't speeding. I felt bad for the people in the other car. .one girl was badly hurt:(
  • @kelani, you jerk! And I was just about to tell you how that 3 bird strat on 40 works.
  • Oh oh what'd i miss? @Lyrian @Mali
  • Lol sorry @kelani I can't help but lol when my kb Comes up with these nicknames for you; )
    Any idea @lyrian how i find my user dictionary?
  • @jlz666, I agree with you about the game England-Italy. For us it's already midnight when it starts. Really shame. Don't think to look it completely, that's also a game to watch. @fenikus, you're about these Spanish team, for the last six years they won everything. But, as @hunnybunny mentoined, they are getting old, so there's need for fresh blood. Yesterday I couldn't believe what I saw, fabulous - especially the second half. @rat: soccer is played twice 45 minutes :-)
  • @Lyrian {innocent} whatever do you mean? :o)
    Oh #26? Blame @fenikus. It's his strategy :P

    edit: p.s. you can't get mad at me for taking high scores I had first :P
  • @Kathy Even though Mali is an awful place, it's better than lelani. :P
  • @kathy, when I type the @ sign, on the automatic word choice bar there is a little arrow on the right side, if you press that if should pull up a list of words you have used that start with it.

    @kelani I sure can get mad, it was the only one I had left!
  • @kathy we could become the paranoid sisters lol
    @jlz666 annoyed you prepared Sunday lunch on Saturday. I normally do that, but didn't today. Hate Sunday when I actually have to do something.......
  • @lyrian I think I was the first person you spoke to at BP. I said we were all nutters. Certainly didn't put you off.
    Another "nutter" joins the patrons.....
  • Thanks @Lyrian I'll look for it ;)
    Lol @hunnybunny yes we could ..
  • Wonder what that button does hmm...
  • @kathy don't tell Kimmie about our sisterhood, she'll be livid. Hope everything is well with her
  • @Lyrian I suppose. I've had 4 of em twice, and woke up with one left. That did make me a bit growly. Still, I can guarantee I won't have #26 through the weekend. :)

    Tell ya what. If it'll get me off your hit list, I'll find you a level with a vulnerable high score. While you're waiting, how about that #40 tip? :D
  • WTG @kelani a little less rattiness in Beak Two
  • @Lyrian I see the arrow gives you a choice of words but i was wondering if there was like a dictionary of all words i've used ..hmm
  • Ahhhhhhh it's Hurricane Fran @kelani! Thank you! I've even included hubby in the conversation and all he could remember was that it was a girls name! Thanks for getting all the info btw,it's really interesting and makes me thankful I live in "boring" Britain ;)
    @hunnybunny it's all ok. We're having a barbie :D Just need to marinade meat & make potato salad & pasta salad. MiL is bringing green salads. I'm also serving some of the smoked fish and cheese we brought back from our hols so there's no hassle tonight. I know what you mean though,when it's a winter roast you're slaving over the oven all Bloody Sunday :(
    I'm pushing my luck now so better go.
    Enjoy the game if you can stay awake @bernersenn!
  • Ahh @jlz666 I'll be right over. .your making me hungry lol;)
  • @kathy I bet there is a dictionary of all the words you've taught your phone, but I don't know where it is, I'll look and see if I can find it.

    @kelani I'm not really mad, I just get a bit wrapped up in the whole competition thing. Anyway, the 3 bird on 40 is not bad. Fire one through the red box in the middle, through the bottom left mechpig, this will cause the one above it to drift upward. When you go for the yellow switch up top, make sure you graze the mechpig you just moved. It will explode and take out the first switch while hulk bird takes out the second. Both wall should now be down. Fire third to victory. But I think I've got the 5 bird strat down. That's where my score came from.
  • @jlz666 Our US friends would be very jealous of our weather here at the moment. Sunny, not too hot, no humidity, just perfect, for sitting around in the garden.
  • @JLZ no prob. I know my hurricanes. :) Enjoy your 'boring' weather now. Global warming is gonna make things very...interesting for you guys ;)

    Aside from the hurricanes, I live in a boring weather place, too. I got all excited when a big thunderstorm hit us yesterday because 99% of storms either move 5 miles away and just miss us, or split in half, go around us, and reform. Whenever big snowstorms do that, I cry like a baby.
  • LMAO I can't get outa here!
    @kelani the best storm I ever saw was my in Mums garden in that house! We were due to go for dinner but 2 storms started. Her garden had great views and the thunder and lightning was epic! We ended up eating pizza,drinking wine and watching the storms for hours! Thanks for that memory X
    @kathy you're more than welcome to come over!
    @hunnybunny We're having it hot and awfully humid so it's not great. It's meant to be cooler and sunny tomorrow but who knows?
  • Ok, Google-fu has enlightened me again @kathy. Go to settings, language and input. Scroll down til you see swype and press the gear next to it. Then press My Words. That should give you access to your personal dictionary.
  • Thanks @Lyrian ;)
  • Aha @Lyrian I found it!! Thank you soo much..I owe you a drink; )
  • @Lyrian Thank you so much for answering and not skittering away, like @Rat :) He was right, though, competition here never ends. I think they still occasionally fight over old Space levels from 3 years ago.

    That's so weird. That shot is so close to what I've been doing, except my #2 bird ignores the mechpigs. There's a sweet spot on that corner where Terence blasts the whole upper structure to kibble and takes out both switches. btw, I checked, you're right, the first mechpigs don't detonate along with the 2nd wave, and they're only worth 400 pts. I suppose one could detonate if it was touching one that does, though.

    edit: lol. Thanks for asking me about this earlier. I went to check it for you and my strategy actually worked for once. :)
  • @JLZ well you're most welcome. :) When I fix my hard drive that has my photos on it, I've got a pic you need to see. It's from a time I did the same thing, minus the wine. Always good for refreshing some memories.
  • @kathy, you are welcome! I was wondering where it was too.

    @kelani I may not like it when people take my high scores, but I don't feel like I should hide a strategy I used, especially after all the help I've gotten here. I will say that the 3 bird would not top my old high score.
  • Wwwwhhhhiiinnne
    I know it's not wwwhhhiinnnne day but Beak 8-20 is awful
    Hoping the whine might bring a little luck
  • @kelani as for @fenikus 26 strat, the hard part isn't making it work. But it still won't beat my old high score :( how many times did you try it before breaking 120k?
  • Yay !! I've deleted a lot of 'words' lol from my user dictionary so maybe less typos I hope:)
  • @Lyrian You don't wanna know how many times it took me on #26. It's not hard, just needs the AB luckgods blessing.
    And on #40, actually, I did squeak past your current score using 3 birds. But that's after getting hundreds of mediocre scores all this week.

    Anyway, I don't know anyone in the BP who is stingy with strategies. These BP guys could teach a class on sportsmanship. I was impressed how they happily gave up their secrets, despite always having their scores spanked as a result. There are a few on ABN who don't play that way, but I'm not allowed to talk about that anymore.
  • @hunnybunny there is No such thing as a 'stupid' strat especially if you haven't looked at the walkthrough; ) Its pretty impressive when anyone comes up with a great strat whether its the same or different; ) at least you posted! (re:8-15)
  • @kelani I keep getting 110k to 118k, which is seriously not helpful. And for 40, I just couldn't get the kind of destruction I needed, so I tried out a strat that includes the bomb bird. I guess I'm just not aiming exactly where I need to with the 3 birds.
  • @kathy I'm still blushing, though......
  • Lol I guess i would be also @hunnybunny not so much as your strat posted. .but ehh maybe the kinda 'tada 'presentation. .its all good though. .like I said at least you post.. as we know there are lot who don't!
  • Also sometimes even if it's the same as the video. .it helps to see it in writing from one who actually did it;)
  • @kathy enough now, going lobster red with embarrassment lol
  • Haha a blushing bunny sounds like a drink. .hmm
  • @lyrian I'll help if I can. on #26 are you getting the nuclear rock to explode with the first bird? And #40, I have no idea what the trick is there, but here's what I do.

    1. fire through bottom half of first mechpig. 2nd pig floats up and to the right, 3rd pig stays put. Red hits floating switch.
    2. Let both sets of pigs fly in. Find the hollow stone block at upper left. Aim Terence at the left side of the white wire/pole to its right. I make him roar before impact, but it probably doesn't do anything other than make me happy (and sound cool). Terence takes out the entire top part.
    3. Chuck to King pig, hitting the non-5k mechpigs if possible.

    Almost every time, I get 118k. 10% of the time, I get 120k. I don't see any difference in the left side debris, so I'm guessing the extra points must come from luck in the explosions behind King pig.
  • No I think rat said it was a Welsh Rarebit with tomato, but ain't going back to that thread either
  • O.k k need help on 8-8 I can do the straight on hit no problem but only 83k
    Pa your strat i can't figure the angle to explode both canisters:(
  • @kelani post on walkthrough the rest of us will never find your top shots when we (read: me!) actually get to Beak Two
    Sorry there @kelani forgot you're mesmerised by a cute girl, especially one from NC!!
  • @Kathy, for the two levels we are talking about at the moment, these strats are posted. 26 actually has a lovely video from @fenikus, it's just a very luck heavy strategy. And I do agree that 40's strat could be fleshed out bit, so I will see what I can do about that.

    @kelani On 26, the scores I talked about are all 1 bird clears. I'm actually having trouble getting the ship to kill the asteroid late, so I angle my shot to have the asteroid explode first and use one of the shards to speed the ship into the gravity well. Unfortunately, sometimes the top side of the claw doesn't break and it hits the planet first, so it stops the ship dead. Then it's a battle of flex vs. gravity, I just don't think the ship it hitting the planet hard enough.
  • Oh, and on 40, I think it's my aim on Terrence that is the problem. I'm not sure where I'm hitting in relation to the stone block, mostly I was aiming to graze the mechpig and hit the switch at the back. Almost all the top is gone usually, except a few assorted pieces that flew off and the very top part that forms the box where the first switch is located. I'll give your aiming a shot and see if I can beat 127k.

    *edit* ok, I was aiming at pretty much the same place you were, score 120k. Looks like those extra points are luck based (what a surprise! ). If you want to see if you can break 130k, I suggest the 5 bird. Instead of sending bird 3 to the boss, send him to the densest pile of stuff he can break, that isn't the stuff on the bottom left, save that for the bomb. Then send bird 4 to the boss and quickly fire the bomb to bottom left, all those lovely points of destruction!
  • Thanks @Lyrian I just haven't got that far yet sorry.
    I'm just on my second pass. .first pass I didn't really look at walkthrough's now I'm wishing I did lol..
  • Oh no worries @kathy, I agree thar the strats should be on the walkthrough pages. I consider this a technical discussion and a refinement of plan before it goes out for public consumption.
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