The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2161
  • @kelani I will teach my phone your name, I appreciate your offer, but this is a matter of stubbornness now.
  • Nothing against you @Burpie. You know I consider you one of the greats. But I never competed in Eggsteroids after playing E-5 for hours. Talk about a level with no rhyme or reason. It is the grand daddy of Who Knows Why. It's much worst than a rinse and repeat.
  • E5 is a perfect example of rinse and repeat... a 1-bird level that will eventually give you an outrageous score. Unfortunately, the new E17 is another one.
  • I love the skill levels @Burpie. New and improved ways of approaching a problem. It keeps it new and challenging. But I can't stand rinse and repeats. It's one of the reasons you own Pig Bang and Cold Cuts. They both have a couple of R and R's in them that I won't play. I won't even try once I know. I believe you. E-17 is on my list now.
  • @fenikus There's some weird stuff in S22, but I have my high score back and a strategy for everyone to tie it...until some ballistic savant comes in and 1-birds it. I'm gonna make a big screenshot collage tomorrow.

    I still want to know how I got a mystery 5-6k at the end of the level on that thing. There's gotta be something hidden offscreen.
  • @mvnla2 there's some kind of self destruction in S-23. The pig in the nose of the rocket directly in front of the sling pops and the cubes surrounding him move away a bit. Happens within 10 seconds of a reset, maybe 1 in 50?

    @Rat did you say you were about to start playing B2, or B1?
  • Looks like Beak 2 players have been sucked into the vortex of doom...
  • @fenikus and vortex was just sucked out of that spot.
  • There has got to be an awesome strategy hiding somewhere in #31. I can't believe with all that crap in there, 2 direct shots to the explody stuff is as good as it gets.
  • And s/he just got eviction notice on level 40. Yup, there's a new sheriff in town.
  • @Kelani, I haven't read any of the strategies yet (my philosophy is same as rat's), but I might have to make an exception for #31 -- it has me scratching my head…I can't even get above average which is a rare occurrence.
  • *slide guitar* *hawk screech* *tumbleweeds*

    Good job, Sheriff @fenikus. I'm gonna evict him out of my spot on #28 soon. I was gonna let him slide when I saw he was posting strategies, but they're all 'same as video', so it's back on.
  • @fenikus I do the same first time through. 2nd time, I had to I read strategies because I was posting my own and didn't want to duplicate. Anyway, let me save you the trouble. There is no useful strategy posted for #31 yet. Mine included. @dmsral got his score with the two obvious shots, but I can only clear the level 1 out of 20 with those, and almost always for 70-80k
  • @Kelani, if I bag a top score, especially by a large margin, I'll post my strat (as you saw mostly in beak 1) because it's usually different than those already mentioned. So I watch a walkthrough video and read comments on those levels lest I look like a jackass for posting duplicate strat. So far it hasn't bitten me in the "creative department", if you know what I mean.

    p.s. And now in #40, I clearly have a winning strategy because I bagged a top score in like 5 minutes and think I can do well over 130K. So video will be forthcoming -- I just read what was said in comments and my strat is completely different.
  • Nooooo I almost took back #28 with a new 106k HS, but it timed out.

    @fenikus amazing how there was not one post on #40 til today. How much you wanna bet your strategy is similar to mine? :P

    That level is weird. Sometimes it doesn't count a few of the 5k second wave pigs.
  • @Kelani, I'll take that bet. The method I'm using is pretty reliable and if you played that level with it for 15 minutes you'd have close to 130K.

    Re: #31…I guess my post was a form of whining and it worked -- got 114K just now!
  • Well well I finally recharged my phone and see sheriff Pa knocked on my I knew that anyway cuz he told me..hee hee but remember the story of the tortoise and the hare..
    Slow and steady wins the race :0 not saying I'll ever catch ya Pa but you know what I'm doing; )
  • Now the other level that's got me puzzled: #34. The very first shot, I surveyed the scene, threw some birds and got almost 160K. Haven't gotten even close to that score since and I'm currently puzzled re: how to come close to 170s.
  • @fenikus How many birds on your #40? Mine's 3, but only get 120-121k. #34 is....interesting. I had the same thing as you happen on ipad & PC. All 150k+ scores for the first ten shots, then bam-down to 120k for the next hundred. Its fun to use some of the Chucks right into the corners of the block pile to bunch them up. Also, instead of firing straight down through the rocket, bang off the inside right canister. Seems to blast a lot more stuff.
  • #31 is my worst B2 level. I'm starting to dislike it, but that'd change if I knew that super strategy existed.
  • Get a room you two.
  • @Kelani, 5 birds on #40.
  • @fenikus holy... OK, yours is different. I did just about get a 2-birder on it, though.
  • What're you giggling at, @Kathy?
  • Well, S-23 is going to be fun to figure out…got only 143K with fairly good destruction, but I see 164K is possible.
  • @fenikus the fun/maddening one to figure out is S-22. S-23 is one easy shot and one easy but needs timing shot. Unless you find's 1b strategy.
  • @Kelani, I almost got that 1 birder. I cracked the code. BTW, don't you find it ironic that Pa and Ma are telling us to get a room? Hahahahaha…get yer ROFL guy ready Ma.
  • @fenikus Ma keeps in business with that guy. It's doubly ironic, considering how chatty and charming he was being with our new arrival today. Man, look at all those pages of @RatChat.! :P
  • Ahemm..@kelani ermm @melanin I saw All my notification ave you were doing some pretty fancy chatting yourself haha. .don't forget you never know who's hiding behind that curtain in the corner..otherwise known as 'The Lurking Room' hheehee hoooo
    I saw you run for cover when the cute girl from N.C pop in ;);)
  • Seriously though sorry i couldn't keep up today. .my battery inn my phone sux.. can't wait till august for upgrade. .I'm missing all the fun:(
  • It looks like they've joined forces Ma. I wonder who there target is?
  • Hmmm good observation Pa..I was thinking that. .strange a fenikus and a melanin joining forces. ..:/
  • I think they are trying to lure the high scoring @Lyrian in and take her off guard by distracting her..oops hope she's not lurking lol;)
  • Thank Goodness tomorrow is Friday ..!
  • @Kathy I said like 3 things, mostly BP related. Just being helpful and nice. Rodent, on the other hand... ;)

    As far as scores, I'm more worried about the people who are out there flinging and not posting or in here talking to us. Buncha sneaky people, all of 'em.

  • I have only one target and y'all know who that is :=>
  • I agree @kelani I wouldn't say 'sneaky' so much but definitely not willing to share and join in the true spirit of the 'Nest'
  • I hate when i get the exactv same score twice! !
  • I gotta go. . One more day..*hands flashlight over to OB*
    Night night all. . Happy Flingin'
  • @Kathy can you imagine how unfun the boards would be if every time you asked someone their strategy they said:

    a. [Edit*]
    b. y'know, same as vid.
    c. I got lucky?
    d. Um...I don't have one
    e. (my personal favorite from ABN) I don't post any of my strategies on ABN because most people on this site don't post theirs in a descriptive way that I can find intelligent and understandable. I am tired of trying to decipher hastily written gibberish. Instead, me and a select few friends meet on a private network where we create and perfect the best Angry Birds strategies for deployment. it works better than ABN because we are all close friends so we all think alike and use the same descriptive technical terminology.
  • @Kelani, is e.) something you really found in walkthrough comments?
  • @fenikus I don't really have anyone to target right now. only has one of my scores. Ah well, maybe I'll get lucky and somebody will piss me off tomorrow.

    edit: not word for word, but pretty darn close. It was in one of the ABo challenges a few weeks back.
  • Where is that list of old challenges? I'll know the level if I see it.
  • Are you serious @kelani you have friends you collaborates with? Seriously i gotta go gnite..
  • @Kathy no, I have no friends :P That post was someone else. I just looked at every ABo challenge going back to March, but couldn't find the post. IIRC the poster was German, or had something German-y about his username. [Edit* Kelani please watch your language!]
  • Actually, aside from that not posting strategies crap, we all essentially do what he said he does: Sit in some other location and discuss. :P
  • okie then. 'night lurkers.
  • Good morning at @all I think most of the other side of the ponders are asleep, but reading up on these last few pages I noticed an increase of attacks on people that are running up the leaderboard and not posting their strats. I know this discussion has been talked about in the past and I am not looking to reopening it, I just want to state, it is NOT an obligation or rule to post ones strat here in the nest. Appreciated and expected yes, but it is not a crime, so please stop talking about people as if it is. I also want to ask to refrain from dissing other persons if they are not visitors of the BP or know of this place. Luckily @Lyrian took it like a sport, but I can imagine stumbling upon such comments (whether it is a new person or a very quiet longtimer) is very disturbing. We want to keep it friendly, so please follow Mister @rat 's advice and get a room if one needs to vent about other nesters.
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