The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2150
  • Wow @Andy fellow is tearing up the boards in Beak 1 -- he's in top spot with almost 68K points ahead of me!
  • @fenikus Just saw your video on #10 How long did it take you to pull that one off? lol.
  • Anyway, he had to re-enter all his scores and after doing so, his total is 150K more than what it should be. He realized something was awry and posted in one of the forums, so I directed him to Slim's topic where he fixes scores for anyone who asks him to.
  • So is that his pre or post-fix score?
  • Neat @fenikus I hit a variant of your #10 shot. Pretty nifty. Got me back in the Top 10
  • @Kelani, pre-fix score -- it should be 150K less.

    #10 video didn't take long to catch. BTW, that hose connecting two big pigs is worth much more than the lower lava boulder. I've had several successes since the video, with both lava boulders exploding but hose remaining and I didn't beat my highscore from the video.
  • Night Pa ♡
  • @fenikus I think @lesleyg shot higher than you did. I dunno. It's just a really neat shot. First time I hit it, I ended up like her screenshot, but instead had one lone pig in the center of the planet. :P After that 121k, 125k. Very nice job, man. It looks like you're just showing off on the video.
  • That hose is 325 pts per tiny section. Nice
  • @fenikus I got a challenge for you. Get a screenshot with all the blocks and pigs gone from the grav field, and a intact meteor sitting in the center. :P I just about got that and the last damn floaty ice block blew it up.
  • BTW @Kelani, I'm glad you finally sorted out your BI 1 leader board discrepancy. Now that you revealed to the world your awesome score entering skills, all I can say is -- your Blossom River total score better be right! LOL..especially because you have scores from two devices and can't simply compare LB to device.

    Actually a simple spreadsheet with 20 rows and 3 columns (3rd column having formulas) would make a short work of double-checking.

  • Re: your #10 challenge…I did one better: I got a lone pig in the center of the grav field. Outside of the box, too, just naked little pig sitting there in the center.
  • @fenikus with friends like @kelani you certainly don't need enemies! If he hadn't mentioned your excellent video for Beak #10, I wouldn't have looked, made 6k, and crept above you on the leaderboard ;-)
    Seriously, I wish I could return the favour, but a crummy screenshot is the best I can manage, even if I had some interesting strats to share.
  • Hey there, Hi there, Ho there Mrs Bunny. I see you're enjoying your visit above me in BI #1. Don't get too comfortable. I'm almost done with the second pass at BI #2. I would be done but for @Lyrian. S/he has forced me to stay a little longer than anticipated to get the lead. I've got it for now, but I'm afraid if I try to stay ahead of him/her, I'll never get out of there. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be back with the rest of the flingers in part one. See ya there.

    Edit: Oooo! Delicious. You're in first place.
  • @rat it won't last, you burpie and happyshake (if he ever gets back from his travels) to say nothing of fenikus, kelani and Kathy will eventually see me dead on some godforsaken asteroid while you all float off into outer space and glory!
    Anyway no time for gossiping or indeed flinging, things to do
    See you all later :-)
  • @kathy, @hunnybunny, thank you both for nominating me for those badges. I feel honoured. Now back to flinging, 2 games to go for BI-1
  • @hunnybunny, weird thing, in BI #1 there is suddenly a new leader, a guy named @andy. I'm not done yet will all the games, but comparing his scores with mine it's impossible to be #1 with this. Good flinging is good flinging, when he's the better player among us, it's ok.
    Cc. @sunshine, @amslimfordy
  • Ok, short trip in Germany comes to an end. Have to travel now, see you later (this evening)
  • @bernersenn Andy realised there was something wrong, and has already flagged this up to the admins for correction
  • Argh, just noticed Bernersenn scores. When he's completed S21 I'm left for dead......
  • @bernerseen @kelani @fenikus @rat9
    @andy2510 has been a member of the nest for sometime. Here is a link to his latest activity. He has a post on the forum regarding scores posted during the crash Thursday. You all may want to post there, and have @amslimfordy check your leaderboards. I did, and all is good again with my scores. He did the work, no need to re-enter your scores. @fenikus is the one who shared the forum link with me.
  • @bernerseen @kelani @fenikus @rat9
    Link to forum regarding score issues in Space.

    Also, @kelani your vote count is 4. I have a google doc. that keeps track of who is nominated, badge, date of nomination, who nominated the person, # of votes! names of who voted. ;)
  • I'm not sure about BI #1, but #2 has points everywhere I look. Two point six million easy. Coincidence?
  • Guys, hello, I'm home again. Went directly to this site. What's happening? Where do all these nominations get from? I feel great about it, really. Also I wanted to thank everyone for his vote.
    @sunshine, I start playing level #21 now, let's see what happend. Don't be shy, in High Dive I also was #1 for a little while. I think, most of us will revisited all these games again - the comments are growing, so there is a lot of air in it.
  • @bernersenn @sunshine I've just received the go-ahead from BL to "resync" Andy's scores. So that should be fixed now.
  • @sunshine thanks. That sounds like a great system. :) I just wondered why I don't see any group posts corresponding to those two mystery votes. I see a nomination post, and one vote post. Even with my awful math skills, I know 1+1 isn't 4 :P Are people allowed to vote anonymously, or something?
  • @kelani the people are @mpg973 (he is unable to post, so he sends me a pm) @kathy, @hunnybunny, and @sunshine. I hope this solves the mystery..... ;)
  • @AMslimfordy have you been able to tell whether the inconsistency affects all users, or just those who deleted scores to reset their total count?

    Perhaps until the problem is fixed, you should post a notice at the top of the Beak leaderboards explaining the problem, asking users to check their score against their device, and provide a link to the forum you created for this issue.
  • @sunshine it does. Thanks for humoring a caffeinated curiouskel :P
  • Not a problem!!!!! @kelani I was trying to update the list earlier from my phone, and it kept changing the vote count every time I hit save. Both docs are correct! ;)
  • @sunshine That's weird. It sounds like Google docs is trying to revert your changes. Maybe your list caught our BI leaderboard bug. :)
  • @amslimfordy, that way of thinking I can follow. First finding the rootcause, then solve. Appreciate your work on it
  • Thanks @AMslimfordy. It's hard enough chasing the real scores!
  • @Hunnybunny, if I didn't want people to look at my videos, I wouldn't post them! As far as I'm concerned, it's rodent hunting season and I'm glad to provide as much ammunition as possible for all the hunters.

    Great job on taking over top spot in Beak 1. I am going to leave it you and @bernersenn to hold the fort there for now. I have started Beak 2 and joined @Lyrian in tag-teaming the rodents. I'm going painfully slow -- only completed 7 levels so far -- but so far level for level I'm 9K ahead of the Head Rodent.
  • WTG @fenikus

    Edit: I misspelt your name, but edited it out, poor old (young) kelani suffers enough for all of us with pseudonyms!
  • Good flingin' @fenikus. I'm leaving you to BI#2. I start the second pass at BI #1 tomorrow. I can't wait to see what some of the strategies are. I keep seeing weird shots available on almost every level.
  • @rat I now know your strategy works (the only play when having a smoking break) I was busy, would stop every hour or so for a ciggy, played a little, and got lovely points every time ;-)))
  • @fenikus, you set a huge target for #21, this is hard work man. OB, ask these people what they wanted for drinks and serve them some.
  • Ginger ale in a frosty mug, of course.

    I can't believe I forgot to play the eggsteroids levels. Finally did, and the Space Overall Top 3: @Rat @burpie @Me (for the moment, anyway.) Never thought I'd see that happen.
  • @bernersenn that one was too bad #20 is my nemesis........
  • CongRATs @Kelani. Only seven hundred and sixty thousand out of first place. You can pick that up this weekend if you have your i-pad. lol
  • @hunnybunny, it's only 5k - perform a compare scores with mine and you can see directly where the quick wins are. I now do some refinement on this episode, then heading to #2. Think of this, I'm not a diesel, more a steam roller. Goes extreme slowly, but with effect (in this game, lol).
  • And, don't tell anyone, ai got trouble #14. Where did we hear that? I think the programmers of Rovio have a line of code in the start of their program "if player is 'bernersenn' then goto - different, naughty version - otherwise proceed". :-)
  • I think they have a "give good scores the first 4 hours a user plays an episode, then nothing. If they quit playing for a week, give them one more good hour" :P
  • @bernersenn well done, well done
    I knew it was coming, gives me something to fling for #20 I think
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