The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2124
  • young Whippersnapper??? Where Mister @Rat Where??? *holds up arms like a cross to keep them at bay* I didn't see young Whippersnappers... shoot so they got to me without me even knowing?!
  • Big rug rats can sneak up on ya and ya never know it @Estar. Yep, it was big rug rats what got us. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  • Real world calling @Estar. Bye for now and possibly the next month or so since you'll probably be gone before I get back. I'll miss ya. ((hugs))
  • I thought @estar was also a whippersnapper?
  • Going to have to do a google on the rug rats... I think I understand the term, but it does need some extensive research to find out the best way to protect us from them! be safe Mister @rat... be safe!

    Ow and Say hi to real life for me!! and pssst don't tell anyone, but I have tomorrow, friday AND the whole next week off, so who knows, I might still be here and if not... with lots of rest I will be able to pop in before next month... And I too miss chatting with you "live", it is always a pleasure!
  • I believe if I am one, you are also one @kelani, but not completely sure if I am mixing the ages of you and your rival @fenikus
  • @estar I'm definitely one. The only BP person I know to be younger than me is @Annifrid @fenikus is an honorary whippersnapper, I guess, but not from my perspective! :)
  • @kelani I really don't want to read back and I am so sorry for forgetting, but can you refresh my memory?? 37?? and fenikus?

    Anyway to Mister @Rat I could be considered to be one, but I am way more mature for my age hahahaha LOL
  • @estar I'm 38 and iirc @fenikus is...49? If that's wrong, I'm sure we'll hear about it soon, You can definitely be a whippersnapper, or an honorary one, either one works! btw maturity is overrated. :)

    Let me tell you, I am an -awful- judge of a person's age. I see someone and have no clue. If I guess, I'm usually wrong. example: I've seen @lesleyg's posts on walkthroughs for 6 months and always thought "what a nice, helpful kid she is"

    According to profile, that kid's older than me. lol I am an idiot. :)
  • Thanks @kelani I didn't mix up you two, but I was one year off ;)
    And noooo you didn't?? AngryAdvisor Whahahahahaha... ermmm yup that is definately proof of lack of age skills ;)
  • Well I still consider myself a young one indeed, but nahhh not a whippersnapper. Hate to be the whippersnapper that got Mister @Rats bug of 2014 :/
  • Nope..I give I copied "exactly" from above.. maybe phone screen differrnt
  • ackkk sorry didn't mean to yell:/
  • oppsy @kelani I thought you were 28 ? So who's 37?
  • Sorry trying to do quick catch up lol..
  • Hey Miss @Kathy how was the pizza?? I think you uploaded the same (non square) version of that image... I assume kelani send you a new version? You might want to delete the non square ones and upload the new one... if he didn't send you the new image... @kelani where is the 150x150 one??
  • @Kelani, @Estar Young whippersnappers are under twenty. If you're real stupid you can be a Whippersnapper up to thirty. Speaking of stupid. What are the most famous last words in the Deep South?

    "Hey Bubba, watch this".
  • @estar Actually, I think the only requirement is to do *something* that seems different or confusing to an older person. :) Good job remembering. Sometimes I forget how old I am. I admit I have no skills, but at least it's not the reverse! If I thought every woman was 20-30 years older... I'd be lying in a ditch somewhere. :)
  • Tada!!!
  • Looks good to me Ma.
  • Thanks @e-star !! Finally the student learns something! ! Haha
    I did just what you said. .delete the others and upload the new one :)
    Your the bestest:)
  • @estar
    the file is ltmf1.png and thumbnail is ltmf1-100x100.png

    I was going to delete the non-square ones, but didn't want to break links on old pages :P

    @Rat I'm over 30, how come you call me a whippersnapper? It's gotta be relative. I had a 99yr old man tell me once that *anyone* under 75 was a whippersnapper.
  • Thanks Pa lol.. but @fenikus had a good point earlier. .it is a chat forum after all. .hee hee; )
  • Young whippersnapper calling me on calling him a young whippersnapper. Dang it.
  • I always thought the term 'whippersnapper' reffred to anyone younger than you that was a 'smarty pants' or 'smart alec' like disrespectful to elders. .'know it all'
  • Like 'you young whippersnapper think you know more than Me?"
  • Jeez I was just practicing didn't really mean 'less talk' :(
    Guess i earned that moment of silence lol:/OB I'll have a Mmarmoset killer please
  • @Kelani According to Merriam Webster dictionary, a Whippersnapper is a young person who annoys older people by being very confident and acting like someone very important.
    A disrespectful and rude young person.
  • @Kathy or doing something new-fangled to them. "you whippersnappers with your computators and bird game internets"
  • @Kathy yeahh!!! it worked!
    mIster @Rat you are back... so sorry I do have to give the computer chair a rest and head over to my pillow, 3times Hubby did work today and it is already 3AM... he is not asking, but I am sure if I say... turning in? He will agree (fyi we ALWAYS turn in at the same time, only when one is very very sick and turns in before 10PM)
    @kelani whahahaha well with that description I can be a whippersnapper for sure LOL... confusing people isn't that hard to do, just go stand on your head and start singing... I bet ya they will all look confused ;)

    Well night night everyone, enjoy what is left of your wednesday and I will continue on in my Thursday night. Fingers crossed for lots of good days this next week and you will see me pop in more often :)))
  • lol. That dictionary was written by two old men. Go figure. Anyway, I'm very respectful and I routinely call myself an idiot. So much for that.

    nighty @estar X fingers for good days, and sleep tight.
  • Owwww boy.... Well in that case Mister @rat I am definately a whippersnapper.... just ask @wrw01 my favorite Pops in the Nest... he will tell you how disrespectful this youngster can be .... right Pops?? whahahahaha
  • (((((((Hugs)))))) @e-star Sweet Star..oops Sweet Dreams ;) but you are a Sweet Star that's why i didn't edit ♥☆★☆★
  • Gotta pop myself. .gotta move my car. .bbiab m
  • @Kathy must have a huge driveway.
  • Lol ya @kelani it fits 1 1/2 Cars I dont like leaving mine on the street . Cuz i live on a bad sharp curve that somomewipes out at least once a month twice or more inn winter.
    Is raining tonight so maybe a couple. .
  • and @burpie's high score on Pig Dipper 7 survives the assault.

    @Kathy I know! Since I've known you, you've reported 2 or 3 accidents there :)
  • Hey @Rat -- I love Gaudi -- Never thought it looked like a pile of rubble. Really great stuff.
    @JLZ666 -- What a wonderful present for @mumsie! Your hubby is a great guy!
    @theanonymoussomeone -- Good to see you! Are you almost done with school?
    @Rat -- Where are you going? Did I just imagine you saying you were going to be gone for a while?
  • Yep @kelani really bad corner!!
    Any advice on #18 theres a couple different angle but I cant get a single point.. again can't even match my previous score:/
  • @Kathy it's just another repeat to eternity level. I fling like you're trying to put Matilda into that big wood box in the wood towers with three marmosets. Drop egg in that gap, and rebound through the wireframe part of the dish. Each of the sweet spots are a few pixels wide. There's 3 different ways to get the TNT to blow, all about the same, except hitting the tNT on the right blows more debris left. Just hope debris flies left and breaks up that raft.
  • lol @Kathy I think you're asking the wrong guy for advice on #18. I only have 10 points on ya. :)
  • @mvnla2 what's up with the large empty space in your post? Were you trying to post something or...?
  • Nope thanks @Kelani that helps. ;) I am pretty much doing that just wanted verification; )
  • @Kathy okie. Doesn't seem to be many points left for anyone on that level.

    I think @mvnla2 has a sticky Enter key :D
  • Lol I know @kelani I'm desperate .. nah not like @mvnla2 not to know if she had a sticky key.hmm
    I thought maybe she was trying to post something for Mumsie but it didn't gi through but hmm that's not like her either? Maybe she fell asleep. .?
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