The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2105
  • @Kelani, I declare a cease-fire for a day. Give @bernersenn a chance to catch up too.

    Edit: Maybe even @Rat, too.
  • All these levels are hard. It was more fun to watch. I don't remember how to get my old scores, let alone come up with ways to get new ones.
  • @fenikus agreed. I was on fire on #2 earlier and stopped so he could keep his high score. Next time he passes me, though, that sucker's mine. :)
  • Wow, Michael Jace killed his wife. Guess he won't be doing any more acting except stage productions with the CalPenal Company.
  • @Kelani, it looks like it was you that submitted MM-4, good job. While I was looking for that "submit your challenge level" forum topic, I stumbled upon this post which claims Apple has cleaned up hacked scores from the Game Center:

    How do I even get to Game Center?

    Anyway, iPad battery dead, bed time anyway -- good night @all.
  • It's been so long since I looked at Game Center, I don't know how to access the standings page. Anybody know?
  • I can't use gamdcdnter Pa I have android:(
    gotta sleep work tomorrow; ( I'm not even tired but..
  • night Ma
  • noooooo I matched my Exact Same Score !!!
  • night night Pa ; (
  • @fenikus I didn't know they only show overall scores. That kinda sucks. There is a Game Center icon on ipad. Red, blue, yellow and purple bubbles.

    @Rat not me. All the talk of hacked scores kept me away.

    Just peeking in. #1 Rio score is 49,999,999 points. I recognize a few ABN people in top 25. 14-Pellystar 15-xebic88 16-bonneypattycat

    It took 15 mins for all the Rio achievements to stop scrolling by. lol.
  • I don't like things mucking with my data files. It also doesn't show my ranking. How did you guys get it to show your scores?

    @fenikus Blossom River's Game Center

    #1 Some weird Thai-looking language - 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
    and so on for the top 3. I guess they missed a few :) not all are hacked.

    #6 @Bernersenn congrats, man! You're #1 of us in there:)
    #7 @rat 9
    #8 @hunnybunny
  • You're kidding. Can you look in Space Standings and see where I fall @Kelani? I'm curious if they consider my S-15 score a hack or not.
  • So, If I understand the rankings the way you presented them @Kelani. There are two GC Apple users with better scores in Blossom River than @bernersenn. How much better?
  • ACK! @fenikus when did you pass me on 14? *sob* Pretty tough trying to dethrone bryonjames.

  • Nevermind @Kelani. I got into Game Center. There's only one person with a higher score than our Dutch friend. He's got 2,608,000. That's 10k more than you. Gives you something to shoot for. There's still over 75 hacked scores in Space Standings. Makes it useless.

    Hi @SweetP. @fenikus just doesn't respect anybody's scores, does he?
  • Hi @Rat! Well I wouldn't say he's not respectful, just super competitive! Oh well, no biggie to me. I'm just flinging along, and I wouldn't be doing so well if it weren't for all the breadcrumbs everyone keeps dropping along the way! I'm just having fun and that's all that really matters...well to me anyways.

    I sent you a PM.
  • Hi folks, I'm back, again at work. @Fenikus, thanks for the offer to cease fire. What gamecenter concerns, I stopped looking at it years ago. There were always lots of people with 9,999,999,999 (perhaps missed some 9's). Obviously it is simple to hack/crack. I don't like that, since then I came up here on the nest. Much more fair.
  • @bernersenn What cease fire? You've slipped back to third place and @Rat is on the move again. I don't see anybody else stopping!!!1!eleventy!

    *smiles and makes another batch of popcorn*
  • You might want to watch something besides the rumble at the river @Burpie. I'm talking about your waistline. That's a lot of popcorn.
  • It's okay, @Rat9. When the Space update is released I'll burn all of those calories off by moving my left thumb at Mach 2 for six weeks.
  • @Burpie Save me a couple of Space pigs fellow left thumber.
  • @burpie, mr. @fenikus asked mr. @Kelani to cease fire. And of course I slipped back - not much luck recently and not much time. We'll see
  • Nobody asked me to cease fire @bernersenn. But then I've been a lot more cease than fire the last three weeks. Ha ha BTW, I'm ceased again.
  • @rat, the call-up for cease fire didn't point to you. Please, go on, fling those birds.
    My position, #3 is vacant. I'm concentrating on #14 - when I get the one-birder here I'm back, otherwise...
  • Sorry @SweetP…this is war and your BR-14 score is what they call collateral damage :)

    Btw, bryonjames can be dethroned. I saw that 135K+ score is possible but on those attempts, the small wooden crate wouldn't fall to the right and kill that annoying monkey.
  • @fenikus, never mind about GC - we got our own learderboard :-)
  • @bernersenn, yup, we sure do :) I was mostly curious to see how our ABN LBs stack up against other Apple device users. But even without hacked scores, I believe Apple can only collect what is recorded on the device, including glitchy scores like double-counter birds, which we sometimes reduce. Even with all that, sounds like ABN players are amongst the best in the world, which is good to know.
  • @fenikus, thanks to the walkthroughs, the comments, those tips, pictures and video's. I also think, that when you are to manipulate the datafiles of AB (see the backup procedure), you indirectly can manipulate the GC. But what is a manipulated highscore worth? In my opinion nothing
  • That reminds me, I ought to finally read that backup procedure and backup my scores!
  • @fenikus, no need for that, just backup your entire device - regularly. If I'm wrong in this one, please let me know
  • @bernersenn, @fenikus Not that it matters a hill of beans, but I'm number ONE in Space after the eighty-four hacked scores. ha ha ha ha ha
    And @bernersenn was number two in Blossom behind someone with 2,608K. But he could have DCB's birds. Don't know. If @Kelani joined, all his DCB's birds would put him significantly in first. But as you said, "What's it worth?".
  • @Rat there were 3 hacked scores on Blossom River. My scores on ipad put me down around 36th place. Never gotten a DCB on ipad that I know of. probably because i suck at swiping and have nothing better to look at. All my DCB and half my best scores are on PC, The person I loan ipad to also set it up with their details, so my name's not on there.

    grr @fenikus I can't believe it, but that MM-4 challenge level is also a repeating score level. Never seen one that complex before.
  • @Kelani, remind me what "repeating score level" is. You shoot at the exact same spot and you get identical results, right?

    Edit: A guy got a puppy with 124K, did you see that? He was using the exact same shot as me but most I got so far is 113K.
  • @bernersenn like Fen said, cease fire doesn't apply to you! :) We know you're having a busy week with little fling time, so 24 hour cease fire is a courtesy to you (and lets us play the challenge)

    @fenikus If @Rat gets a sneaky +6k score on #14, we may have to break the cease-fire, and if there's a Space challenge level tonight, we may need a 24hr extension. :)

    yes, identical shot = identical results & score. Goes away for awhile after a game restart. It's usually a Bad Thing.

    I saw the puppy. His shot seemed much higher than the ones others were taking. Screenshot was no help, as background is different.
  • @Kelani, cease-fire till 10PM EDT tonight. I don't play Space challenges so you're on your own there.
  • One day when everyone's really bored, I'll teach all of you how to get an identical shot with a mouse that doesn't involve precision optics and squinting :)
  • @Kelani, why is it usually a bad thing? Does the level somehow cap the highest score you can get until you restart?
  • Cease-fire = no shots fired on the River, not no posting on the River LBs. Which doesn't mean I can't get to 2.6m by 10:01!
  • @fenikus I'm trying hard to believe the designers wouldn't intentionally cap scores, only to decap...uncap?...kneecap? them on rare occasions. Either the level's designed in such a way that there's a low uncertainty on a given shot, or it's getting stuck in a mode where that uncertainty doesn't apply. Take DZ-22 in Space for PC. The first shot has a big aim window. Similar shots work here, which is the only reason I noticed it. After 50-100 shots, each with different scores, you'll shoot and get 55,800 points. From that point, any variation of that shot will give that score until you close the game. This was the level that inspired testbox. I ran that damn shot 10,523 times, each time getting 55,800. The collapse is so identical, I could be across the room and tell what was happening just by listening to it.

    Cease-fire rules sound good. Although, if I don't get out of last place in the challenge by 5pm, I'm going swimming again :D

    edit: Most of these levels are 1-birders, with one way to get the good score, so I'm not sure if the high score is actually capped or just roadblocked.
  • You guys. ha ha I'm on hiatus as well. Only @Ma at the river? She'll be lonely in FIRST place.
  • Space yes or space no, you may stop that cease fire, please go on. I'll fling and fling and fling until #14 breaks down. It worked at #9 after very many tries. @rat, how about #14? What was that about DCB?
  • @bernersenn @Rat Nah. For me, It's a sanity-preserver. Also, all that splashing river water has me taking so many bathroom breaks, I'm just worn out :P
  • Let's not talk about the throne room right now @Kelani. I'm spending way too much time on the throne already.
  • Can't bring myself to use the DCB on 14 even to shut up @Kelani. lol
  • rofl. Sorry @Rat, I thought tomorrow was your King of the Can day.
  • Careful, posting DCBs would mean more talk and less nice.
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