The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2091
  • @Kelani, your walkthrough post doesn't say anything about probability of the tower boulder stopping on the very edge of the tower. Did that happen a lot to you? Second time in 15 minutes here, and 3 or 4 times before.
  • @Rat9...I still call a carbonated beverage soda. When I went back to Iowa with hubby for a wedding, everyone calls it pop.

    @fenikus, @mvnla2...there are a couple of real British pubs here in Southern Calif, (San Marcos) called "Churchill's Pub & Grille" and "Penny Lane Pub & Grill" which has the some of the most extensive collection of Beatles memorabilia, some of which I've never seen. Penny Lane is world-famous for their fish & chips.
  • @Kelani Okay but once the shot is successfully made and the square stone block hits the tower up top, what was your success rate of the boulder slowly rolling down ALL the way (whether it breaks the wooden leg or not)? I just had two instances of it stopping at the VERY edge of the tower. I did try tipping the iPad a bit and also blowing on the screen but still didn't come down. Just wondering if my shot is not THE shot.
  • @fenikus if the block is hitting the tower above the halfway point, that is THE shot. :)

    @sweetp Yeah, that's what I'm hoping @Rat doesn't say. Midwesterners say pop and it gets them laughed at down here. I also say soda, but I'm weird. Around here most people call all fizzy drinks Pepsi or Coke.
  • Good night Kathy :)
  • I see you're still flinging in #19. I've been on that level on and off now for about three days, which culminates to about 200+ resets! And not ever ONCE getting close to knocking that tower over. I just sent Terence into a face-plant with that blasted round boulder, and ALMOST fainted! So, instead of the stone block flying into the tower, it went all the way over and hit the pile of barrels/stones, sending that over the edge, leaving the tower intact! AARRRGGHHH!

    Dagnabbit, I'm determined now! *hangs head and mumbles to self about fling, repeat*
  • 'night @Kitthy congrats on your kittypoints.
  • wow @sweetp I've -never- seen that one before.
  • Haha @kelani! So, no matter whether it's a grape, orange, strawberry, 7-up, Sprite, they still call it Pepsi or Coke? that's really wild!
    Did you say to shoot the boulder into the bottom TNT box?
    Speaking of beverages, I'd like a double shot Marmoset Killer please, OB.
  • @sweetp yup. the old timers weren't much for learning all those new-fangled names. Oh, I forgot, half of us call them soft drinks. There have been federally funded university studies and maps made on this stuff. :)
  • @kelani, interesting statistics! Looks like soda and pop are almost neck-and-neck, with soda having ~6K more votes.
  • @sweetp Depends on where you look. :) Down in @Rat's area, they call them a "drank". heh. your tax dollars at work.
  • Boo-ya-kasha!!! 128,750! Still not enough, you had 131K dagnabit. But putting glasses on and zooming in makes all the difference.
  • @SweetP, Mr. Rat left some useful tips for BR-19 toward the bottom of page 2086. However, to follow instructions I had to zoom in all the way and also put my reading glasses on. Edit: I had to zoom in the iPad and shoot, not to read instructions, lol
  • You're a better aimer than me. I can't use pixels for aiming. Just post-shot forensics.
  • @Kelani, so who says sodi-pop?
  • Ah @Kelani, but still not as good an aimer as master Rat. I had 3 hits in 1.5 hours only one of which resulted in success. He makes 5 one-birders in 20 minutes. Or so he says.
  • @fenikus someone who wants to get hurt? :) I think that was a Beverly Hillbillies invention falsely attributed to us.
  • yeah, so he says. He already told us he has some kind of complicated rig for ipad stability. Add in the nerve tremble and either he's screwing with us or he's some kinda demigod who chose to live in SC of all places.

    Back when I first came here, I posted a list of my ideas on how Rat gets his scores. I need to find that and give some of them more scrutiny.
  • What's wrong with SC, @Kelani. I would LOVE to live in Charleston, it's just my kind of town.
  • Thanks @fenikus for pointing me in the right direction. I just ALMOST got that one-birder, but of course, all of the barrels and stones dropped down to the left of the TNT! AAACKKK!
  • Ohhhh…it's okay @SweetP, the same happened to me the first time. You can't control that part, just the part to send the stone block into the tower.
  • But it's a whole new perspective now that you've seen it actually happen, isn't it @SweetP?
  • @fenikus SC used to be NC. The government split them up and gave SC all the money, and NC got all the pig farms, tobacco farms and intelligence. :o)

    We feel the same way about Tennessee. They were also in NC once.

    Charleston is very nice, and @Rat's town is pretty nice also. Hell of a lot better than mine :)

    @Sweetp it does that missing the TNT to mess with you. Hang in there, you almost got it. :)
  • @Kelani, did you actually know Rat at that point or you just dropped that bomb in here, lol
  • I'm gonna leave SC alone now that I know he's a Hoosier. That state has a lot more comic material anyway :D
  • @fenikus I didn't know him at all other than a few walktrough replies, so I only posted #1-5. Now that I know him, I tacked #6-10 back on. :)
  • Heh, I came here because I found a bug in Danger Zone #22 and was complaining about it in the walkthrough. A few of these guys told me to shut it and complain here, so I did. Bet they feel stupid now :)

    Hard to believe it's not even been 2 months. Feels longer.
  • yawn. sleep time here. good luck on #19 D&P.
  • @Kelani, my first post in BP was:

    "Nice place. Can I have an order of Espetinhos to go and a glass of chilled Sauvignon Blanc while I wait. Please put it on @rat9 's tab, he said he's buying as long as I'm ahead of him in Rio's Blossom River…snickers :=>"

    Never spoke to him before -- he simply congratulated me on getting the Buster Keaton badge and invited me to come and hangout in BP. Something about the man just rubs you the certain way and you just want to taunt him. And then he goes and complains about it to Kathy!

    Yup, sleep time here as well. Now that I beat BR-19 again, I'll sleep like a baby.

    Good night, @SweetP and good luck.
  • @fenikus Since my eyesight is not perfect, I use a magnifying workstation light that I have attached to my table outside. On tough shots I zoom in all the way and then swing the magnifier over in between my eyes and the I-pad. It's the only way I've come up with to see at the pixel level. The light glaring on the screen also helps illuminate the dust. I told you that you'd laugh if you saw my setup outside to work around my disabilities. It's also the biggest reason I only fling outside. Too hard to move everything. The biggest problem I had with this setup was the instability of the swing arm. It tended to oscillate slightly making the focal point move. I was able to get around this problem by stabilizing it to the table with two large rubber bands. The type used by the moving companies to quickly secure shipping pads to furniture for scratch protection. I can take a picture if your having problems visualizing the setup. It looks weird but works. Easy Peasy Pixel Seezy.
  • Mumsie pops her head around the door - so pleased to see that BR is still buzzing in the BP - but I'm off to my third game of golf in 4 days so no time to stop! Will try and read back when I get back later though as it seems to be at least 30 pages since I was last in I may have to skim read! OB an Americano to go please and here is a tray of croissants for the flingers who arrive at their breakfast time! Adios amigos:)
  • Yes, @fenikus it is a "vision" that has come so close to reality! Have a good night and sweet dreams!

    You're right about that messing with my head crap @kelani! I've probably flung Terence now about 50 times, and haven't been able to get that lucky bounce on the life raft yet! Something happened since, the boulder flies just past between the life raft and the box of TNT, and smashes to smithereens. grrr...just gotta fling another 100+ more times and I'll get it.

    It's only a little past midnight here on this side of the pond @Mumsie42, but thank you for the croissants! I'll take one and save it for the morning when I can have it with my coffee.
  • @all Boy my ears were burning tonight. I see why now. Every other post in the BP referenced me in some way. Some good, most bad. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Sorry I couldn't come out and play, but SWDNF got back tonight and we hadn't seen a lot of each other this month. Quality catch up time ensued. Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink, Say no more.

    @Kelani I was born a Yankee, but I grew up a Rebel in Mississippi. And my answer saying I moved to South Carolina in 2007 was a little misleading as well. It was factually true. But with the exception of four years I spent in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, I've actually lived in SC since 1995 . So I am a true Southern gentleman.

    Hi @Mumsie. I was hungry after "talking" to the wife all evening. I left a few of the croissants for others, but @SweetP was smart to grab one now for later. Thanks. They were delicious and really hit the spot.

    @All Still not flinging. One step forward, two steps back yesterday. I see the River Rats are expanding their lead on me while I sit on the sidelines. But just like @Burpie, I'm enjoying the show. And the popcorns buttery good.
  • Aww, @rat9 that's so nice you and Mrs. Rat had some snuggle time to yourselves.

    Have a good night @all, time for me to do some catching up on a few projects and maybe a bit of flinging, then it's time to do some pillow talking.

    It's FRIDAY finally! Have a good weekend, and happy flinging!
  • Hello guys, I'm back. Wanted to wish you a pleasant friday.
    @mvnla2, ok, thank you - for another english lesson, will not forget this. Mark this: condescending (I had to look up the word) has neven been my intention.
    @kelani, @fenikus, thanks for the support in this. As I do in Holland is just speaking (or writing) with the words that come up on me. There's never been any 'between-the-lines' thoughts. And let's say that I'm not a teen-boy anymore, unfortunately.
    But, on the other hand, keep on correcting me. It feels like being a puppy dog - corrections make a fenomenal grown up dog from that puppy. Or have I being rude again, by bringing in dogs in this medium?
  • Another nice observation: Kelani is still 1560 point ahead of me - that's nice, Ow, @Kelani, you are so nice for me
  • @bernersenn I notice you're causing confusion by transliterating ("woorden bij me op komen" ≠ "words that come up on me") and using familiar but outdated or spurious terms (guys and/ 'n' dolls was a musical in the 50s and a terrible pop group in the 70s.) Personally I find it charming!
  • @fenikus, in your reply about the pixels. Yes, I am wearing glasses when reading and playing on the Ipad. I played #19 completely zoomed-in. Normally I don't use it. Then you pull the sling, and look where Terence's lines are. Those I remember. Then watch the result. Again, little change the position of Terence a little - look at the result, etc. As we all know, persisting is the most important skill to have when playing AB. I will practice this also on #14, because that game is still annoying me.
  • @sweetp, this is really frightening. I have friends in Australia, they had this situation last winter. (Their summer). You notice how the fire is approaching and there's just nothing you can do. Let's hope it will extinguish.
    In Australia, last february:
  • I don't know if you're out there lurking and will hear this @Kathy, but I have to say you and Robert worked well together last night. WTG It appears he had your back so you could concentrate on the flinging. A three thousand point bump at this level is awesome!!!
  • Ah HA! @Rat finally confesses. Would love to see a pic!
    @Kelani -- As I recall, I was one of of those who invited you to the BP. Glad you came!
  • @SweetP -- Hope you are well away from all the current fires and no new ones start near you.
    Yeah, it gets pretty impressive when newscasters say things like "There have been at least half a dozen wildfires in S. CA." That was a couple of days ago, and implies they are starting so rapidly that officials (or at least news organizations) are having problems keeping track of the number.
    I think now they are saying that there are 9 in San Diego county alone. That probably doesn't count the 2 set by teens yesterday and quickly put out. The teens are in custody, but they are not connected with the other fires, and officials think most of the other fires were deliberately set.
    At least the Santa Anna conditions (very hot and very windy) in LA are beginning to break, and it's supposed to be a lot cooler next week.
  • @California I've never been hit by a tornado, flood or, perish the thought, fire. I can't begin to imagine the pain from the loss of possessions, home, and even lives. It's times like these that make me count my blessings and remind me to make donations to various charities. Good luck to all that have been displaced by the fires.

    It's funny, but I wouldn't miss the material things. Most can be replaced. But picture memories would devastate me. To that end, the wife has digitalized every picture we have and we keep them in a safe deposit box. At least we'll have memories in our golden years.
  • @Mvnla2 So you're taking the blame for inviting @Kelani. Finally came?!!!! We can't get rid of him.
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