The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1737
  • @surfcow love it, just so funny

    Last night I was happily watching TV and had a side helping of DZ4. Watching one, watching the other. He-Who-Does-Not-Fling asked what I was doing. I patiently explained all about DZ4, and said "It's quite exciting"
    He looked at me, solemnly, and replied, "Not in the real world"
  • Hmm.. Quiet everyone playing new update i guess..I'm not updating until i complete the levels i have probably quite a while
    OB a Sunupper please make it a double..lots of catching up to do..
  • @kathy indeed, very quiet, I only play what I want, not driven by new episodes
    @rat no crumbs today, do you just want another puppy? I can get 140k easily, 150k is impossible
    Well not, for you
    Crumbs please
  • Yes @Hunnybunny i Am not usually playing new updates for months after they come out..
    Is @rat lurking around waiting fur crumbs lol
  • @kathy not crumbs for Rat, crumbs for me, he sprinkles them around to take you to the puppy kennel. Which, in space, he controls. But not one crumb (strategy, tips, etc) for today's challenge
    Shame on you Rat
    How you doing in Star Wars? I flung a little there, but didn't get hooked. I'd rather chase Estar in Seasons and Rat in Space, not much chance in either lol
  • Ohhh lol @Hunnybunny sorry misunderstood dont feel to bad i have no puppies at all:(
    @rat shame shame!!!
    Doing o.k in star wars not to bad almost finished with cloud city..then I'm dreading Boba Fett:(
  • @hunnybunny LOL! Very brave of you to even try to explain DZ4 to anyone who doesn't fling.
  • @kathy no puppies for me either
    @ABcrazy he understands what I'm doing, but not why I'm doing it.
    I might have said this before, but the Significant-Other-Non-Flinger loves films. He bought the Sky TV film package at a bargain price, so he says, in the first week he watched three Bond films and two Harry Potters. All of which he has on DVD.
    After 30 years we accept each others oddities. Wouldn't even think about life without each other
  • Goodnight @kathy @abcrazy guests for the weekend so have to be up for shopping and cooking. Planned a nice British picnic in the garden, but it seems it may be raining, so we'll be sitting round the table looking out into the garden. British weather, been so very hot here, and when you want to sit out, it rains :-(((
  • DZ4 running all night though.......
  • Just got all *s on the new Rio update. Still need feathers. Back in a bit.
  • Hmm... Why was that still in the comments, if I already posted it.
    So, yeah, I been in Rio all day, when real life allowed, have some catching up to do.
  • @hunnybunny and @Kathy I left my crumbs in the walkthrough before I read your posts. I think you will appreciate my strategy. Good luck with your trip to the kennel.
  • @kathy no puppies for me either. But then, I haven't tried. So I can't complain.
    @hunnybunny Have fun with your guests. Hopefully the weather will improve for you.
    Hi @rat @mvnla2 I hope you are having a flinging day!
  • Maybe puppies another day:( good night all..
    *places wheel of cheese next to @rat doorway (hole in wall)*
    *places flashlight in the safe till tomorrow*
    Happy Flingin' second shift...or is it third ¿
  • Hey @theanonymousesomeone sorry you had a boring trip..Funerals are never a pleasant thing especially when you don't know the deceased.:( But really a19 year old soldier how sad:(
    I ve gutta ask you to please edit your comment the 'F' word is unacceptable sorry..
    I gotta go to sleep..please do that for me..
    And good luck with Rio..night
  • Sorry, I'm just really mad.
  • You might wanna edit yours too so people aren't confused. I'll probably edit this one too.
  • *poofs in grabs flashlight from the safe shines it and places candles out to see Kathy safely to Dreamland *

    @tas I'm sorry for that families tragic loss of such a young man, I can see why everyone would be crying, very sad.
  • I'm sorry to hear your loss, @tas :( That's a really sad story
  • Good Morning everyone !!:) Happy Friday!!:)
  • Hi everyone :)
    Just watched the old Star Wars movies and found out they were AWESOME. Love love love 'em.

    BTW, I'm going to a summer camp tomorrow. I'm TOTALLY looking forward, I've been going there for many years, we're a great bunch (I mean us the adult staff, not the kids) and the food they cook there is always delicious :D
  • Hope you have a great trip tomorrow @Annifrid ;)
  • @Annifrid -- Your summer camp sounds totally different to the ones I used to go to. They were definitely not known for good food! Do you sleep in tents?
    @theanonymoussomeone -- I'm glad you went with your family to pay respects to the dead 19-yr old marine, who died serving his country, and you.
    You can always try to remember which level you used the TNT on, and 3* it without.
  • @mvnla2 I remember what it looked like. I'll have to go back and see. I'm just glad I got 3* on everything else.
  • @mvnla2 The kids used to sleep in tents until last year, when they built sort of cottages with showers, electricity, and single beds (I mean, not those on top of each other). It's better than most 3* hotels now ;)
  • Hmm, are you jealous ? :D
  • No, just mad. You know technically that's segregation.
  • OB, I know it's not Thurs, but I usually don't whine, and I really need to. So please pass out the earplugs, and make sure everyone has them on.
    Thank! Here we go:
    TD on Rio Cherry Trophy is killing me and several others.
    If anyone knows how to do it, please post on 3* walkthrough. Slim said TD walkthroughs won't be up for a couple of days.
    @CC-Jolly @Burbman @Rocklands @bonneypattycat @xebic88 @JLZ-666 -- Do any of you have TD on this level? Please HELP!
  • @mvnla this was my last to 3* It's a nasty level but I'm afraid I only do ME to get to the bonus levels,sorry:( *Just keep whinning.....whinning......whinning...* :D
  • Thanks for the reply JLZ666! Are you sure you don't want to try?
  • @mvnla I haven't played through the update yet. But I can give it a shot. If you get it let me know. Should have it by tonight. I have become quite the Feather hunter. I jailbroke my wife's phone and found the original SG update and got the Feather there. :D
  • @rdnzlrips82 -- Thanks! Don't have it yet; numerous tries after my whine. Guess I should whine more so I'll be in practice if I need it. Haven't heard that anyone else has it yet either, although I would expect someone does.
  • @rdnzlrips82 -- I've given up on the Rio Cherry Trophy TD for the night. I am just beating my head against the same stone wall, and I'm getting a headache. Will look again for any strats, but last time I looked there weren't any.
    Thanks again for your help. Several other people will thank you also.
  • Getting tired of sw..need a change going to try and get me a puppy:)
  • Maybe that will cheer me up..or not..
    Good luck whoever is trying for pup:)
    Heyyougetouttamy way!! I got places to go..people to see.puppies to rescue..:)
  • Good luck @Kathy :)
  • Thanks @Kimmiecv i need a break for a minute or two to get my fi
    Focus back..your kicking butt!! , nice scores:)
  • That was Quick!! I changed my mind back to the quest..
    OB a Sunupper please going back to the clouds..
  • Don't blame you it gets tedious. Your scores are wicked good too I noticed @Kathy! Hope you take the puppy :)
  • Uhhhh hmmmm never mind?! LOL
  • Hahaha !! Quick change of plan took one look at the deep dark gloom..and decided not today..;/
  • Alrighty then back to CC
    OB 2 Sunuppers please..Ohh and 2 for Kimmie also;)
  • Ack mine & dine about as bad as CC! Don't blame you for not bothering! Thanks for the Sunuppers gunna need em! :/ Flipping early calculation is a real killer in CC!
  • Where are you in CC right now @Kathy?
  • Yes!!! It's the worst so frustrating..sometimes more damage less points is also aggravating..Hope Boba Fett isn't thus bad..
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