(Valentine's Day ABS Episode) That Bad Piggies update could be a while...
  • This is an "if" statement, but if there is a Valentine's Day update to Angry Birds Seasons then the Bad Piggies update could be delayed a couple weeks since the Valentine's Day episode would probably land on Tuesday. That's just me, though. Tell me what you think.
  • I honestly do not think Rovio times the release of one update to coincide or not with any other app. This has been clearly demonstrated with sometimes longer gaps with no new updates, followed by a flurry of activity. Especially since we are talking about two different games, I do not see any correlation.
  • Maybe they will be released at the same time, nightmare for Slim, BL and Sal;)
  • I don't expect Valentine update at all and I sincerely hope that BP will finally come out this week.
  • @cosmo2503 I completely agree about the BP update. They've been teasing it for way too long.
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