Angry Birds Chick Chick BOOM Page 1
  • Should Rovio and tons of bits make an Angry Birds Chick Chick BOOM game? You could launch either a black chick or a yellow chick at the structure and then choose either a bomb attack, a lightning attack, a plant attack, or a heavy weight attack to use on the pigs.

    Chick Chick BOOM website if you don't know about it:
  • I would prefer that Rovio stick to their own ideas and not collaborate with another established game. There are dozens of unexplored areas they can take Angry Birds. Let Tons of Bits have their own success with their game as well, without them having to ride Rovio's coattails.
  • Really? I think it's a good idea.
  • I don't think they'll copy it but I wouldn't be surprised to see a new game with a similar idea. Possible have pigs that are immune to certain birds & structural pieces. Or having the birds be mutants of some sort that are able to use a couple chosen superpowers such as electricity or something. I'm visualizing a fully enclosed pig sitting on a metal floor that extends outside the enclosure that an electric bird can land on sending his current through the metal and fry the pig. After all isn't it easiest to make space and mutant renditions of big hit.
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