Angry Birds Achievement Ideas Page 1
  • Say that Game Center allows unlimited achievements with no limit to ANYTHING(except the point value is up to 1,000, unlimited achievement point total, to not be confused)& ANYONE can add achievements. What would you add? First ideas:
    Original: You're "fixing" it wrong/50 points/On EVERY level of The Big Setup, Shoot and don't get over 100 points. WITHOUT slinging the bird backwards.
    Seasons: Love the new Crown/10 points/Complete Hogs & Kisses & Year of the Dragon's Level 15 with 3 stars.
    Rio: Piggosettes/20 points/On Carnival Upheaval, hit a Pig Balloon & a Marmoset in the same shot(Boss doesn't count).
    Space: Frozen Feast/20 points/Freeze the King Pig & Crush every Ice Asteroid in the same attempt(excluding ones in stream in direct front of Slingshot).
    blahalb09 encouraged me to alter Original & change value to 1,000 (Nice thinking)

    Now, Let's Post Ideas!

    Greatest Achievements (To Me) in Exact Words:

    blahalb09's Space: Maybe there could be an achievement in space in where you need to have a bird not touch anything for 5 minutes (I've done it before).
  • 1 Comment
  • Let me just say that 1000 points is the limit for achievements on GC. There's almost no more room for achievements in original or seasons. BTW why would you have an achievement for not hitting anything in TBS? All you have to do is sling the bird backwards.

    Ideas: Maybe there could be an achievement in space in where you need to have a bird not touch anything for 5 minutes (I've done it before).
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