Angry Birds Bird sounds Page 1
  • What sounds do each of the birds make when they launch, hit etc.?
  • I think some of them are saying things, does anyone know for sure? If not, what do you THINK they are saying???
  • Red bird says in flight "Ah, Hing it!" Whatever "hing" means, who knows.
    Yellow bird says in flight "Lu-i-gi!" He must be Italian.
    White bird in flight "Weeeeeeee!"
    Big Red says in flight "Haaaawww"
    Black bird says "Ha-ha" while in the slingshot and something like "Huuuuurrrrrr!" in flight.
    Blue bird says "Anna" in the slingshot (I read somewhere that is the name of one of the AB designers' girlfriend) and "chi-boo chi-boo" while in flight.
    It seems that the birds waiting to be fired occasionally say "Fire away!" and something that sounds like "jus(t) one secon(d)!"

  • So cool. I'm pretty sure the plushies say, "Happy new year!".
  • I thing when the level starts, i hear 'itu punyaku!' (indonesian for that's mine!!)
  • red: AAAHH himin' hawin' when tapped: cacawwww
    blue: goohoo yachagoo anna
    yellow: leeeweeeeeeeeeee when tapped: chirpeechirp
    green: Grrrah when tapped: Blah!
    big red: ahhh! Ohh!
  • Just when you open the original game tap the biggest bird.
  • A-hinginga huluyahu pugoi Weeeee wa-ga
  • I think the green bird says "asking for it" at take off.
  • Am I the only one who never listens to the sounds when playing AB? I turned the original AB sound off early on (drove me nuts after a while) and have never listened to any of the games since. Just curious...
  • Great minds, mate. I turned sound on for the first time in months ... I wanted to know what the Orange Bird sounded like. 25seconds later, sound off. It was fine for the first week or so, but I'd rather focus on my shots.
  • Good to know that I'm not the only one. I usually listen to something else (perhaps something soothing like Black Sabbath or Ministry or something).
  • @ChaosTsar
    Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd all the way man ;)
    I also have my sound of constantly - the only times I put it back on is to listen to the different Season's themes, and as Slim did, to hear the noise of the Orange Bird.
  • I always swore the yellow bird says "moguri!" when shot, and thought that it sounded Japanese - I Google Translated it, thinking it may just be gibberish, but it turns out it means "diving." Is it just me that hears this or does somebody else agree with me? It would make sense for it to say "diving" if you think about it.
  • @dGhost
    Gotta have my Rush fix while playing. And I'm uncertain which bird says it, but I regularly hear something that sounds like "whatever."
  • Red Bird: aaa-hey-a (the sound you make when you are karate chopping)
    Blue Birds: Hey, wait for me!
    Big Red Bird: What the heck?!
  • Whit bird: before launching it says something like "What the heck?".
  • White bird says "look out!" when he's being pulled bak in sling shot
    Red bird says "rah honeynut" in flight
  • great minds indeed. I can't stand sound on mobile devices, it just serves to irritate others who aren't playing and would rather use the time they're traveling to work to concentrate on ignoring everyone else than being bothered by tinny squawks and wooshes piping out of a speaker across the gangway of a train... It's annoying.

    That said, the effort that goes into the audio is appreciated, at least for the first play of a game or new feature, as @amslimfordy said. I listened to the orange bord in Ham-o-ween, and all the new sounds that came with Space, but then turned the sound off again and put on something that helps me concentrate and block out other commuters and train announcements: Queen or Nirvana :D
  • I like listening to my the music but sometimes I turned it off
  • The yellow bird sounds like his war cry is "WOLVERINE"
  • In ABSW the villager pig sound like he is saying trash
  • They all sound like gibberish to me. (Besides Luke's "WHAY-AAA", Han's "WA-HOO!",
    and the Orange, Yellow and White birds' "Wheeeee!".)
  • no wen Han Solo says "WA-HOO" he does say dat from the star wars movie and in the game so Luke saying "WHA-YAA!" isn't gibberish so the birds aren't gibberish and i love playing the games sometimes with music and sometimes with sound and no sound
  • In Space, lazer birds say: "Win the war!"
  • Whenever one pulls down on the sling with the Toucan Bird in it, the bird yells "Burger King".
  • In Rio, the poor caged birds cry "aquí, aquí!" (over here, over here!) so plaintively that I really get quite upset. Doing my best to free them all. . .
  • @tompuss and @werewolf69 you two have such great imagination. Yes, it is quite possible that birds sounds have meaning. Well and they "speak" English, Spanish, (or maybe Portuguese) it is understandable that I can't recognize those sounds.
  • I think the big white bird says "Whatever," until you go to launch her, when she says "Look Out!."

    Yellow bird waiting to be launched says "Fire Away," then yells "Wheee!" when in the air.

    @TomPuss - thanks for identifying the sounds that the caged birds make in Rio -- they are possibly my favorite birds, and I love how they fly away so beautifully when their cages are broken!

    - JM

  • There's one bird, I can't remember which one, that yells "vaya pa'ya" which in Spanish means "go over there".
  • Is it me or the White Bird says like "…Where?"?

    And the Red when it gets thrown says "Naaaah, honey!"?
  • No, the red bird doesn't say honey. It says: ahhhhh-hing-ah.
  • I just love how they sound so excited, especially Matilda (white bird), but wouldn't they speak Finnish, like their makers?
  • Rovio has removed the Red bird and Terence noises when tap the screen in the Abra-ca-bacon update. I missed their noises so much. I wish they returned in the next update
  • i have played on my cell phone a few times hooked up to my car stereo system.... there is some good bass in the exposions and rumblings, lol.... playing it LOUD is worth it at least once or twice if you can
  • Lazer bird, AKA Cough drop bird, says RIKOLA
    Stella sometimes sounds like she's saying Pika as in "Pikachu"?
    White, when pulled back, says "Look out"
  • Birdleader (not trying to use @ and bother you) I think the plushes say "Happy Birthday".
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