Differences between PC and iOS versions & level 2-9 (poached eggs) Page 1
  • From watching YouTube videos, it has seemed like some platforms are slightly different from others, but that's been just a hunch. I know that updates have also slightly changed gameplay from time to time (like fixing the atomic santa hat in Seasons, which I never got to take advantage of).

    But, in looking for the way that people are getting level 2-9 on the orginal game, I found this clip:

    in the comments, someone stated it doesn't work on the iPhone. I've seen another method as well that can finish this level in one bird, but it was also from a non iPhone version. I've tried both methods many times, and I'm wondering if it's one of those fluke levels where you can seemingly do the same thing over and over, and then one time it does something amazing, or if it's just not possible on iphone to get it in one shot?

  • i can finish that using the first bomb bird on my iPhone. it takes time but i did it.
  • I got a similar score on ios version too. I remember it took me a couple thousand tries though. I never want to try and improve my score on that level again...
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