Advent Calendar Level Files: Get Rid Of The Garbage Page 1
  • OK Rovio...I am an IT Admin, and as such, one of my pet peeves of both users and programs is to just leave needless stray files haphazardly around. There are many reasons for this (backup logistics, version/revision number of file, wasted storage space, etc...), but needless to say, having just one file representing what you need (as opposed to an actual backup) is definitely more efficient on many levels.

    With that being said, I think it's time that you implement this mentality when it comes to the advent calendar levels that are used and subsequent updates. As it stands now, your program, when using an advent calendar function, downloads newly available levels into the DOCUMENTS folder inside of your app's file structure (this is in regards to iOS. I can not make the same claim with 100% accuracy for other devices and operating systems, but basic program functionality usually spans across operating systems and platforms, especially when you are looking at the same "version"). However, when you update the program at a later date after the advent calendar has run its course, you incorporate those levels INSIDE (or within) the app and they become ingrained like the other non-advent calendar ones. However, you leave the same levels that were previously downloaded in the DOCUMENTS folder to just linger and remain. I would hope that you add functionality to remove these orphaned files in the future when you release updates when the downloaded levels have been incorporated within the program itself. Thus far, only Angry Birds Seasons uses the advent calendar style, and is the only one affected by leaving stray files around on updates.

    [NOTE: For those like me that don't like orphaned files, for iOS users and assuming you have the latest v2.1.0 or later release, you can go DOCUMENTS folder for Angry Birds Seasons (named AngryBirdsHalloween) using iExplorer and remove all documents with a date earlier than 12/01/2011. The files are named using a date as a file name, so it will be easy to decipher what you can delete. If you accidentally delete one of the newer files, it will prob just re-download when you attempt that level. I don't know for sure, so proceed at your own risk. Again, the same might be able to be done on other platforms, but I do not know for sure. Also, I recommend force quitting the program from the task bar first before attempting the above filependectomy.]
  • @heathen
    While this site is a good place for discussions, this really isn't one. I'm not sure if anyone can really contribute to this. Really, it's a rant. Send it to Rovio. They are unlikely to see it here.
  • Since you have a closer ear to them than I do, could you please pass it along for me? I don't care who gets credit. Although there may or may not be any discussion material on this, I shared it so that others can remove the files for themselves if they so choose to do so.
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