New York Post looking for Best Angry Birds Players! Page 1
  • Hi Angry Birds Nest,

    The New YorK Post is looking for the highest ranked Angry Birds players -- those with the highest overall scores -- to be featured in the New York Post.

    We'd love to interview about your playing habits, tactics, and so forth.

    Please email me at [email protected]. The only caveat is that you are from the United States.

    Thanks --

    Note from Bird Leader: Thanks to everyone who helped out!
  • Everyone, this is the real deal, let's see what we can do to help out Susannah. If you're a top shooter (you know who you are) and would be interested in being interviewed for an article in the New York Post please leave comment here. Men and women welcome, but it would be awesome to at least get one woman int he mix.

    After you leave a comment we can then contact you directly via email (assuming the email you used when registering here works) to arrange the details.

    So you're aware, there are a few requirements:

    1. You have to be good at Angry Birds with a high total score. Duh!
    2. You'll need to use your real name in the article. Yes, you do have a real name.
    3. They may want to take a photograph of you. This truly is your 15 minutes!
    4. Just because you respond here doesn't mean you'll get picked. Sorry!

    If players from ABN are chosen for this honor I will create you a special badge just for you.

    Got questions? Shoot!
  • Hello @SusannahPostReporter, I sent you an email as well, but I'm a staff member and walkthrough video creator here on ABN and would be happy to help out. Just let me know what you need. Thanks much!
  • Thanks FujiToast, I appreciate your email! Can't wait to hear your Angry Birds strategy suggestions. Looking forward to hearing from other top scorers!
  • @SusannahPostReporter, I would be interested in telling you my AB techniques, obsession, and passion :-) I think my rankings will speak for themselves, #12 in GC for ABS out of 6.8mil, #17 in ABRio out of 5.1mil, was roughly #150 (too many hackers!) in ABO out of 18.5mil. (haven't finished Birdday Party) and top 3% in all three of the Free Versions.
  • DonnMega! Let's chat. Email me at [email protected] and we'll arrange an interview. Thanks so much....
  • BL and Slim,
    I was wondering if you could notify the top 10 (or so) for each game. I know Manu Malin is tops in ABR, but does not have a ton of scores entered in the other games. Likewise, AngryGRX is tops in ABS and is top 13 in the other 2. Not sure if the top leaders are in the US but it might help out on the article if the top players are notified of this project by you guys.
  • I wouldn't mind being interviewed for your article. I don't have my scores listed here as it's too much effort to enter in 800 levels that are available via iOS since I didn't even find this site until I was half way through all currently available levels. However, I'd be willing to put my scores against some of the finest in general and usually am within just a few percentage points off each level's reported high score.
  • @SusannahPostReporter I will send you an email as well. I'm an admin here with BirdLeader and FujiToast, but my scores are respectable. I'm no All-Star, but I would gladly help you.
  • nice title
  • I'm so used to the anonymous nature of the internet, it is totally jarring to see Moonsabre in real life. Really a bizarre feeling.

    Nice article, though.
  • who are the two people in the article?
    the first is DonnMega?! isnt he?
    and the second (the woman)?
  • Mrs. Nobby from the UK.
  • first time i read this article. hum ... seem to be to late for the party ;-)
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