What is the purpose of the mystery vent on AB Seasons Wreck the Halls? (Answered) Page 1
  • The vent descends from the upper level of the screen. What is it for?
  • If you drag down on the game play screen of Wreck the Halls, a black vent drops down from the top screen margin. I'm pretty hopeless at tech stuff and can't take a picture of it unfortunately.
  • that's a new feature of ios5 and has nothing to do with Angry Birds. 'Grab' the grill with your finger and pull it down to view your notifications.

    In most apps the notifications will drag down the first time you drag your feature from the top of the screen down, but in some where it is likely you are performing an app function and not intending to pull up notifications (mostly games) ios shows this little grill you have to drag down for a second time.
  • Thanks for your help.
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