Transfering Game Data Between Android Devices? Page 1
  • Does anybody know a way to transfer game data between android devices? I currently have an HTC Evo, but it is acting up and I will most likely be getting a new Evo (or at least wiping the memory). I would prefer not to have to 3 star all of the levels again. Also if you are wondering, no, my phone is not rooted and I am not interested in doing that unless I absolutely have to.

    Has anybody successfully transfered your progress between devices?
  • If you tether your phone can you access its contents? If so, you can try backing up your "highscores.lua" file, which is likely in a a "rovio" directory.
  • Did you know how to use ADB tool from android SDK ? or did you have root your phone ?

    Files of highscores is available under /data/data/com.rovio.angrybirds(seasons)/fileshighscores.lua on your phone.
  • I don't know anything about the developer tools. If you could give me a detailed step by step walkthrough of what apps I need and what to do, I could try it. However, I do not want to root the phone because I am eventually going to have to send it in for a replacement.
  • I ended up rooting the phone (which took forever because the faulty phone kept rebooting). After it was rooted, I used Titanium Backup (Free) to backup the app data, and then unrooted to return the phone. Once I got the new phone, I rooted again and then backed up the app + data. All of my scores are there and I now have a phone that doesn't crash every 2 minutes (which let me 3 star the rest of the game), so I'm happy. :)
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