The Orange Bird Page 1
  • If you got the new howlween update for angry birds seasons, you may of noticed the orange bird.

    A) Do you think it's effective?
    B)do you have any tip on ways to use this bird?

    Leave your answers in the comments below!
  • What the bird technically does is grow from a bird the size as the blue bird to a bird twice as big as the big brother!
  • @EasyEagle
    It is quite powerful, and can smash through some blocks first, so I like to let it smash some blocks, wait about a second, (or time until it is placed where you want it) and then POOF! Use it to push towers over or hit pigs, TNT, etc, that are hidden away inside a bomb-proof structure :P
  • Hi...
    You can trigger him to massively inflate at any point in-flight or about 2-seconds after contact, after that he will auto-inflate. No he doesn’t explode, but rather he hangs out for a bit before he deflates and flies off.

  • Yeah! It's effective and lovely.
  • I do wished that you could tap the screen again to deflate him when you wanted instead of letting him deflate on his own. There have been many times when he causes the potential for destruction upon inflating but then actually stops a structure's momentum of collapsing and actually stabilizes the structure he was intended to destroy.
  • Is the orange bird new? I haven't seen this birds before.
  • The first item in this thread should give you a clue to answer your question.
  • Orange Bird is not effective for breaking through stone blocks but tends to bounce off them - However, when inflated, is powerful in shifting them, especially when in a confined space.
    ( A bit like the air-bags used by emergency services! )
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