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  • More Star Options

    Hi all! I am new to this site so please re-direct me to a more appropriate thread if this is the wrong place for what I am about to write:

    I have been playing AB religiously since discovering them and have gotten 3 stars in every level of every version (seasons, rio, etc.)

    Having browsed through your forum I am amazed at how many people have contributed to new bird ideas but no one really took time to think about improving the challenge itself. After obtaining 3 stars in all levels, getting all the achievements, eggs, bananas, etc. what is there left to do but wait for the new update (which is usually finished within 24hrs of download.) So I have been thinking of a new and easy way which would enable Rovio to extend gameplay by at least 100%:

    1. There should be a maximum score for each level which would give you a bonus prize, or if you reach max score on enough levels, it opens a new secret level like for the golden eggs. The reason I thought of this is that on countless levels, I get the 3 stars but am way above the 2-->3 star threshold. Let's say you need 50,000pts to get 3 stars but you score 100,000. You don't get any extra achievement for getting 50,000 pts more than the other people who got 3 stars.

    2. There should also be a minimum point 3-star goal. Meaning, for example, if to get 3 stars on a level you need 30,000+ pts, then your aim is to get as close to 30,000 as possible. 29,999 would be 2 stars but 40,000 would also be 2 stars. Anywhere between 30,000 and 31,000 would give you 3 stars. Obviously, this is an option that you choose in the main menu before starting.

    By implementing these options, this would duplicate the game by at least 2 and you could go back and replay all the levels you already "beat" to reach these new goals.

    And what is the point of achievements if you cannot do anything with them? Same with the bananas and pineapples. You don't even get a free bonus level by collecting them all.
  • @p3l1can, Interesting ideas! I like it!
  • has anybody ever tried using AB for pc with a touchscreen computer
  • I personally have not but would be interested to know how it is.
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