New Bird Ideas II - Fill in a form and get your bird drawn! Page 2
  • @vezok1090 You are still doing the drawings, right?
    I can't wait to see how mine look.

    The alien owl's expresion is hilarious, keep up the good work.

  • Hey,where is my bird's drawing?@vezok1080 can you be quick???
  • @vezok1080 If you're no longer doing this I will close this thread. Let us know.
  • just so you can get idea of what he would look like, use this link
    Name: Giant Hawk( Mighty Eagles side kick )
    Body shape:[see above link] (also very big, as the giant teratorn's wingspan is over 23 feet from wing tip to wingtip)
    Body Color:[see above link]
    Beak shape: kind of like big red but longer and a bit sharper
    Beak color: yellow with a hint of red at base,
    Expression:calm but when attacking fierce and angry
    Ability: When released from fossil(explained in other) The giant hawk soars down to spot where he was released whips up powerful winds that blow down structures( but still not as strong as Mighty eagle) then soars off after a few seconds
    Other: since the bird this is derived from is extinct, he is sort of like mighty eagle in the sense that the bird isnt launched from slingshot the thing thats launched from the slingshot only summons him, unlike mighty eagle, you have to tap the screen like a regular bird and in mid air, the bird would appear as a fossil in a rock while waiting to be shot and when screen is tapped the fossil glows and Giant hawk soars down to the spot where the power was used
  • @BirdLeader Sorry, I've done some but then been on a surprise holiday so I haven't gotten round to doing all of them and I don't think I'll do anymore. Do you want me to email you the ones I have done before you close the thread?
    PS My apologies to those of you whose ideas I haven't done, but I will try and do some more before the thread is closed.
  • Sure, feel free to send whatever you have.
  • @BirdLeader you can close threads? if you do then do what the people on the forum for a game i used to play did and put the word ~closed~ at the bottom of your message saying its closed
  • Yeah, I can. I will close this one after vezok sends me the lasts batch of drawings.
  • I have an idea for a bird.Power: Click it once,It goes through all the bricks it touched. Click the screen again, and it becomes normal.Coulour:Orange/purple.Size: about same as yellow bird round shape.
  • ok, i didnt puyt in all the fields cuz i had a picture of a bird he could style it after, but you need to be a little more specific
  • Name: Ninja Star Bird
    Body shape: Round, but a little squatter (think of an oval lying on its side)
    Body Color: Green, same as boomerang bird but a little bit lighter and with a bit of blue mixed in
    Beak shape: Same as red bird
    Beak color: Orange, like other birds.
    Expression: Before launching, has a calm attitude. When in post-launch, has an expression that translates to having a single desire to wipe out all pigs and convert them to sizzling green bacon rashers (basically, extremely ticked off)
    Ability: When tapped, it will fling a hat that it is wearing directly in front of it, cutting through objects like they are nothing more than slightly-melted butter
    Other: Has a tattered brown fedora on its head, which is what it uses to attack the enemy. Without the hat, it has green feathers (similar to the ones red and blue have).
    While the hat travels in a straight line and very far, the bird itself succumbs to gravity at the same rate as the black bird (ie. not very far at all).
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