Need some advice please re: what is being sold for $4.95 Page 1
  • Hey Folks,

    I noticed today that they are selling the Angry Birds games at three for the cost of two and was going to get myself another one and possible give two as part of a gift bundle for my daughter. Right before I went to order it I went to double check something else and just happened to see that it says "You can download the Angry Birds games from To access the full game you will have to buy an activation key from" So what are you buying when you pay $4.95?

    Secondly, I received an e-mail today from ROVIO Entertainment telling me of a brand new episode available for one of the games I already own on my NOOK. It says "in this new update for IOS and Android". So I went to download the update to my game. I was somewhat shocked when it forwarded me to the place where I had originally purchased the game and stopped on a page requesting $4.95 to purchase the entire thing again. On my NOOK there are bulletins everywhere to "UPDATE NOW", but when I click on them expecting an update, it forwards me back to the place of purchase where I can pay an additional $2.99 for these "15 levels of brand new game play". Is this a joke?

    Can someone please tell me if I am missing something here or is this the way they are running things now? I'm sincerely hoping that I'm missing something.

    Thank you,

  • @Gracie - If I've understood right, the activation key is only for PC versions. So you have to pay the game in their shop and after that you'll receive the key into your e-mail :)

    I hope someone can answer to your second question 'cause I'm not so familiar with other devices than PC :/
  • For PC, you can download a demo of any Angry Birds app for free from, but only a few levels can be played. The $4.95 will purchase an activation key and allow you to play ALL levels of that app.

    When clicking on one of Rovio's links, it automatically checks which device you are on. If you click the link from a PC, it will send you to their shop. If you click it from iOS, you'll go to the AppStore. Click for Kindle, you'll go.... Well I don't know where but whoever Kindle downloads apps from.
  • Slim, I think Kindle download updates from Google Play because it has Android OS........... or from Amazon App Store ? - manufacturer of Kindle.
    Oh , I'm really confused :/
  • Posted this and then forgot where I put it. Sorry Chaps, I didn't mean to leave you hanging here but I am grateful to each of you for your replies. While I was off trying to find myself, I got a message back from Rovio Support Team which explained pretty much exactly what each of you said plus a little more. Now I don't feel cheated quite as much. Actually if all goes well, later today I'll be buying six copies of these games, so I would say I definitely feel much better now. Thank You To Each Of You!
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