Volunteers Needed To Help Research Changes Made To Levels Page 1
  • Very great idea @rd !!
  • Thanks @CC Jolly! If you know of anyone that might be interested in helping, please send them our way. With nearly 2000 levels to cover, we could use the help.
  • Yes i will let you know. I would also help you as best I can!
  • Yep, I'm in! :D

    Actually I had never thought that there could be changes in the levels, but it seems that in some levels there really is and a good example is Cold Cuts 2-10.
  • @Lisko I have a list of others I have run into during my exploits here at the nest. I am compiling a small list. :D Thanks for the support and help.
  • I know this might not be possible but what would be great is if there could be some way to show screen caps/graphics of the levels and their differences along with a text description.
  • @sparty83 - I'm going through Rio levels at the moment and I was thinking about taking a screenshot if I find levels which have changed in some way. I don't mind uploading them somewhere, but we'll see what happens :)
  • I'd definitely like to help. Would also help if we found any changes to bird design/behavior? (For example, in the Winter Wonderham and Birdday Party Pt. 2 updates, there were some major changes to Orange Bird's behavior.)
  • @sparty83 It is definitely possible to do that. As soon as I read your suggestion, I had it all flash in my head.

    @ABSM Thank you. I will contact you later to discuss assignments and such.
  • @rdnzlrips82, not sure how many people here play AB on Chrome, but the Season's Greedings has quite a number of differences from Andrion/iOS.
  • @sparty83 - You mean the free version available on Google+ or something else? :) I've been playing that too so maybe at some point I could check what differences there is between Chrome and the downloaded :) Just tell, if I understood you wrong :D
  • @lisko, I was referring to the version of Angry Birds that is available in the Chrome browser. It has 12 episodes, 6 each for Seasons and Original.

    Seasons Greedings is probably the only one (if my failing memory is correct) that has the differences. I think the others are true to the originals. But of course, this would need to be verified.

    In seasons greedings for chrome, my total is 2,796,510, on my android phone my total is 2,146,580. ernor63 is ranked #1 and has a total of 2,448,570. I think that shows quite drastically how different the episodes are with power ups are not available in chrome.
  • I think if have pantient, can re-read ALL video comment, may will have something found.
    And on mvnla2 self destrution forum also have some data.
  • @sparty83 - Okay, thanks for the clarification, I think I could check that after I've finished with Rio :) So far I'm pretty sure that there is some differences between different platforms, but can't tell anything for sure. I tried one level for over two hours and did exactly what the walkthrough video told me to do, but couldn't get even close to my existing score. I don't know, I'll keep on trying and we'll see what happens :D
  • @rdnzlrips82 -- Great idea! As @PJng said, there have been some differences noted in the forum on Self-Destructing levels. While I don't think I have time to take on an assignment, I can definitely send you a list of everything that has changed in term of self-destruction.
    BTW -- This may be what you realized earlier, but it would be fairly easy to compare a screenshot from the initial video with the screenshot now.
    Currently, several of us are working on DZ-4. I'm still hoping for total self-destruction, but it has definitely changed since 2/1/13.
  • DZ-4 self-destruction behavior changed with Space v1.5.0 or 1.5.1 on ~3/7/13 (depending on platform). Partial self-destruction still possible and can still be used to get above average scores. Total self-destruction still TBD.
    [edited to make sense.]
  • As far as self-destruction is concerned, we know the following:
    1) Score distribution and frequency definitely depend on platform. Not clear if maximum score depends on platform, but definitely possible.
    2) Occurrence and score is a function of number of resets since a "hard close." (Also depends on platform, of course.)
    3) Changes have been made to several levels (e.g. small block added to keep pig from rolling off) that change frequent self-destruction from frequent to very rare or non-existent. Will try to compile list.
  • @mvnla2 We are not monitoring changes in Self Destructive behavior. Only physical changes to the levels (i.e. Added/Removed Blocks, Added/Removed Extras, Bird Order changes). But I am sure we could both be privvy to sharing information once our project is completed.
    If anyone wishes to volunteer any knowledge, but doesn't have time to dig through the walkthroughs with us; a PM to me would be great.
  • @sparty83 We are hoping to cover all platforms, even Facebook levels (excluding tournament levels)
  • So far I've gone through about 15 Rio levels and mostly I've been checking the order and count of the birds and the structures (same blocks etc.). I can go through them again if there's something else you want me to check, but those are the things I've been keeping an eye on :)
  • @rd

    Can i also help you in any way. Just say what is to do !!
  • @rdnzlrips82, facebook level have many different, you want make a long list?
  • @rdnzlrips82 , if the purpose of the list is to check for anything relevant for the daily challenge, self destruction is also of interest.

    Before I begin with space (for android), do you want to compose a comprehensive list or can we exclude levels that have already been featured as a daily challenge - and do you have that list?
  • Upon further reflection, out list will be rendered partially obsolete with every new update of the various ab games. The level that started this initiative is a case in point.

    It might make more sense to simply vet individual levels at the time you select them for the challenge.

    Any thoughts?
  • @rdnzlrips82, I found this old discussion that related your thing, http://www.angrybirdsnest.com/forum/discussion/204/
  • @rdnzirips82 - not exactly sure whether I have the skill set you need but count me in! iPad
  • @Mumsie - I don't think I would qualify by skills, but it actually isn't about it :D Mostly it's just going through the levels and check the walkthroughs if there any differences, like if in the video there is a stone block, but it isn't there anymore or if the order of birds have been changed etc.

    Actually I'm having a lot of fun while going through Rio levels, 'cause I've managed to increase my scores pretty nicely :D Now there's only a couple levels in Smugglers den where my score is below the average :D
  • I have given the idea of tracking level changes some thought as well over the past few months. I think the existing update log could be expanded to list the changes/additions/fixes in each update. Another idea I had is to have a release update grid (using Excel) to show the changes across different platforms for each game. Since my platform is iOS I will volunteer for that.
  • @ripsy -- Would it help to have a PC user on the case? I don't know how much time I can devote, but if you tell me what to do, I'd be happy to lend a hand. On the plus side, I'm very good with screen captures. :-)
  • @reactive1 - Did you mean that you'd like to know the differences between different platform. Yep, that would be great, but I'm pretty sure it's impossible as well. From my point of view that would need at least one person who's playing on all platforms and who is able to make an identical fling on every platforms, which in fact is not possible. I admit that it would be great to see if players on certain platform get higher scores, but I don't think there is a way to verify that in anyway :/

    At the moment our goal is to make a list where you can see if the level has in some way changed after the original level was launched and also tell what has changed in the level and how it effects the result.
  • @Lisko No the release grid would be more general in scope and would show the major features of each update for each platform (ie. When an episode is introduced and bonus/exclusive features). It wouldnt track level changes. That's what the expanded update log would do. If you had each person working on a platform then someone can create/maintain the master list so no one has to research multiple platforms.
  • Ripsy, great idea!!! Good luck! :D
  • Just reporting in, not much time for business. But the new volunteers will be added to the PM later tonight. Thank you, for volunteering!
    I will also answer questions/comments regarding the project.
    And thanks for the support @sunshine!
  • @rdnzlrips82 I'll help out a bit if you still need researchers, as long as you don't put too much on my plate ;-) But I'll help out where I can as I find this quite interesting!
  • @burpie I check the Self-Destruct Forum Header before I make my picks. As far as our project being rendered obsolete, we can attack it now in a massive effort and then when an update lands, we can all work together and make it a little less crazy.

    @PJng The Forum Discussion you mentioned has been inactive for quite a while. I think this one will take off a little easier due to an increased interest in this topic.

    @reactive1 I would imagine some form of spreadsheets/reports could be made after we finish all of the work. I am efficient in Excel, etc. So with two of us on the case, this could be very easy to pull off.

    I think I got everything covered. If not, give me a couple more days to try again.
  • I think you can add ABO Mine and Dine 17-14. The first shot as described in the walkthrough by the current leader @pointdexter5, doesn't seem possible anymore. I tried many times the other day and couldn't get it, but I remember getting it in the past without too much difficulty. I asked Pointdexter5 to give it another try and he wasn't able to get the angle either, but he only tried a few times. Would be nice to know if anybody else can manage the shot. I use an iPad, and I think Pointdexter does too, maybe it still works on another platform?
  • Oops, sorry, I thought you were collecting input already.
  • @rdnzlrips82 I agree. Perhaps we can create a Dropbox or Google Drive folder & share it with those working on this to have one place to collect the information. What do you think?
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