I sign in to ABN but 90% of the time I'm unable to enter my scores Page 1
  • I became a member about a month ago. 90%of the time after I sign in and I go to enter my scores , it won't let me. I go to my leader board however when I go to enter my scores the cells won't let me enter anything!?! What am I doing wrong?
  • Oh and my platform is iPhone and the URL is www.angrybirdsnest.com
  • We have had no reported issues with leaderboard functionality on iOS devices, and I'm able to enter scores just fine using iPhone. It may be a good idea to clear the Internet cache on your phone and see if that helps. (Settings > Safari > Clear History and Data and all that jazz)
  • Thank you so much for replying . I will try what was suggested above. When I signed in today the cells still aren't letting me input scores . Hopefully the above will work!!! Have a blessed day
  • Thank you!! I did both of the suggestions above and it WORKED!!
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