Please, Rovio: Bring Bird Coins to the mobile games! Page 1
  • I'm glad Rovio finally came up with an in-game currency for AB Friends! It's a really great idea and has already been used by Halfbrick Studios in their mobile games. I think that earning currency through getting three stars and new highscores to buy power ups and maybe even bonus levels would be a lot of fun. I really hope Rovio does this, but please tell me what you think.
  • My personal opinion

    Buy for:

    Power Ups: No thanks at all
    Bonus Levels: Yes, why not!!
  • @CCJolly Of course, with this must come a separate P-up scoring system ;)
  • Yeah that would be great but for ABO it isn't to late because the Power Ups Scores which are played right now are counted as regular Scores. That's a little Bit shamed. I have no Problemes with Power Up Scores in Space with seperate scores!!! It would be only interesting what we see in future in ABS and ABSTW :-)
  • ABS I kind of, unfortunately, see taking the path of ABO since it typically does, but ABSW I think till definately have separate scoring.
  • Yes i also think so...
  • @angrybirdsspacemaster I don't think that would be good idea for AB mobile games and I hope they will keep it only for FB. Do you think that people would be so generous to share wealth on how to obtain high scores with others on forums and walkthroughs' comments in that case?
    That is good, really good source of cash for company but also very tempting for young players. I am known of that conncept, my girls play some fashion games that they can earn virtual coins to buy new things to create new styles through gameplay or they can purchase virtual coins which cost real money. I allowed them small amounts of cash for their IAPs and they usually spend it for a day.
    First PUs, now virtual "bird coins" that cost real money, well that is Rovio's business decision and I completely understand that, they run their business the best way they could. They made players satisfied when they separated scores for PUs and "PUs clean" gameplay in Space and would make us happy if they could separate scores for ABO and ABR in future updates.
    I don't know,my boy, what to think- my experience is that most players are more likely to purchase the most worth package of virtual coins to make game more interesting, rather then play game and earn them and then spend on stuff and replay levels with new more powerfull birds for greater scores(or blades in mentioned Halfbrick's games).
    However I love conncept they have in ABSW with birds gaining more power after opening some levels or completing episodes, but IMO it wouldn't be so good idea that instead of Lke recieving his green sabre after getting three stars on all levels in POTJ I get "coins" to buy sabre, or more power for Obi Wan, Chwebie, Leia...
    Anyway, you sure, did open interesting thread and I'd like if it lives for certain time to hear other (hopefully som adults) people opinions.
  • I think the coin system could work if the coins couldn't be bought with real money. It would be nice if there were achievements to earn more coins. And I also hope that there would be "bonus levels" which you could unlock with coins. Power ups...I don't know, maybe it would be okay if there would be separate scores. That way people could decide if they wanted to use the coins to power ups or new levels. And if they want both, they need to play much more to earn the coins.

    Hopefully I explained my point of view clearly, somehow it sounds like a mess to me, haha :D
  • I don't want to see coins come to mobile, although they probably will now that we see that Facebook seems to be a testing ground for changes. I like to be able to complete everything in each update without having to spend a decent amount of money to get it. If they add coins and different achievements I think it's only a mattr of time before they start letting you pay to unlock stuff.
  • I've noticed you guys are saying you don't want them because people would buy them. The reason I want them is so that I wouldn't have to pay for power ups (or bird coins for that matter) and I could earn them through gameplay instead.
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