Kids and AB games Page 1
  • I want to start this thread about children and playing Angry Birds. That we play Angry birds a lot it is well known otherwise we wouldn't join this community. But what about our children? How many hours daily your children play Angry Birds? What device they play on? Can you make any reasonable agreement with kids when it is about playing PC , mobile or playstation games?
    I am mom of two girls who seem not to have any interest in Angry Birds. That's O.K, Angry Birds games aren't that appealing to girls who are all about fashion games and cute character like Swampy from Where's my Watter or Om Nom from CTR. Then I guess that boys are an other story. My little nephew, who just turned 5 this month started to play AB on PC. That kid is absolutely fascinated with game and killing pigs. First thing that he wants to do in morning is to play AB, the first thing he wants when come home after kindergarten is playing AB. When he gets his little hands on my iPad it is „mission impossible“ to take it from him without crying. In my opinion 5 y/o is too young to spend hours playing any sort of PC, mobile or Play Station game. Call me old fashined but I want my kids enjoy outdoor activities.
    What about you?
  • I'm a mom of a 2 years old boy so I don't have that problem (yet). Mostly he's playing with his toys, but sometimes he wants to watch while I'm playing and that's okay 'cause he usually gets bored after couple of games and then he continues what he was doing.

    I think it's okay if a 5 years old plays, but there should be some limits. A kid at that age should play outdoors with friends or something, but spending several hours per day playing a PC game isn't good at all.
  • My cousin wants to play AB when my uncle play it on PC, but she can't (because she doesn't understand at all :-P)
  • @Birds -- How old is your cousin, and why don't you teach her how to play?
  • My three year old nephews always ask to "Kill the Piggies" on my phone. They rarely complete an actual level, but they sure like watching them pop!

    My kids probably spend a couple hours a day playing various games on their devices, time spent travelling in car, waiting for dinner, etc. They are also both real ball and stick athletes, so I have no worries about them getting enough excercise.
  • I'm a teenager, but I do have a younger sister that could be considered a child. She doesn't play Angry Birds nearly as much as I do. She kind of throws the birds randomly (i.e. Orange Bird and Yellow Bird at stone -_- ), but still actually manages to three star most of the levels. Every once in a while she even gets a higher score than me. She'd really rather play Temple Run or Parking Mania though.
  • My friend's little cousin was about 3 and would throw the birds just to have the pleasure of killing the pigs and yelling "I POPPDED THE BURD!" (He called the pigs birds. :P ) Kind of similar to @Burbman's.
  • @mnvla2 she's 3, and she lives in a different town of mine, so i can't see her everyday
  • My two youngest grandchildren love angry birds. Their playtime is regulated and my daughter-in-law thankfully doesn't allow killing in the house, so we play "pop the piggy baloons" instead.
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