Angry Birds Folder Icon Page 1
  • Sweet looking Icon @e-star!
  • Nice look, @e-star! Now you need more icons with the other members of the AB flock. ;)
  • fantastic guide @Estar! now i can backup my data in style! icon tutorial also worked for windows 8
  • Awesome idea @E-Star ..when i gety new device this weekend Itll be a breeze to transfer and i have a snazzy folder to keep files in:) thank you soo much..;)
  • Whoa nice @e-star and it may even be in the category of kimmie speak!!! I'm going to try it next week after this nutter week is Finally over!! I've always wanted an AB file so this is just the ticket!! Thank you for putting so much time in with the step to step process! You are awesome!!! Mwahhh kiss kiss :•
  • Nice work. Cool and usefull, thanks.
  • Thanks every one! Glad you like it and everybody is able to change the icon on their computers with my "kimmie" speak tutorial ;)

    @brave... hmmm maybe a good idea, but do you happen to have a bag of time somewhere for me? Hahahahah... Maybe in the future I will make new ones, but at the moment I am swamped, but keep tuned :)

    @kathy I hope it will be a breeze to transfer your scores, I have came to the conclusion not Android version work the same way, so when you get stuck or can't manage, put up a bat signal and I will come the Bloated Pig HQ and try to unstuck you the best I can.
  • I love it E-star. Very nice!
  • @e-star -- I didn't realize what this forum was. Great icon. Will have to use, when I have some time. Maybe I should just make time. Thanks.
    Actually -- Did you put cross-references in your forums on transferring scores?
  • Luv ur folder E * ur so creative
  • @e-star -- I've got it! Thanks! A couple of comments: I am using a MacBook Air, and the steps where you say "right click on the file and choose show info" don't work. I had to select "file / get info" from the finder menu. I may have to move it to my desktop, so I can enjoy it more often.
  • Thanks Sal, Penguin and mvnla :D

    @mvnla Do you mean you can't right click because you don't have a mouse? Or does the function not appear at the mac book air. Because in the first case you should be able to click right... if you (left) click while holding down the "ctrl" the right click menu should appear... let me know, kinda curios about these things :D
  • @e-star -- I don't have a mouse. The touch-pad has areas corresponding to right and left clicks, which as far as I know do all right / left functions correctly, except for the one you described. If I left click while holding down the cntrl, a menu (I suppose the right-click one) does appear, but it still says "get info" not "show info." Strange... Thanks for telling me about the cntrl fcn, I didn't know about it.
  • @e-star: Didn't they include that with the power-up pack? lol ;)
  • @mvnla... translation-to-English error on my part... I translated the Dutch version to English myself... I will edit the text. (and yw, figured this is a less common used command on the Mac and thought you would wanna know)
  • @Brave I WISH.... but nope :(
  • Just thought I would bump this one, cause I have met a lot of new faces these last few months and maybe they would like a neat folder on their computer :D
  • @e_star Ahh! awesome Folder Icon for my Angry Birds PC collection.
    You made it yourself or just get it from devianart ?
  • @E-Star Thank you so much for lifting this up! That icon is amazing! :D
  • @Aman made it myself with a little inspiration here and there of course (psstt don't tell anyone, but it is kinda my job as a designer tee hee... mum's the word right LOL)
    Your welcome @Lisko, glad the bumping was welcomed and thanks for the compliment :D
  • @Aman, I did see you request for the Black and white + No PU sign, will send you a note later tonight when I have time :D
  • Thanks for this beautiful folder icon, @E*! I'm on a PC, so I found my data folder, customized the icon to use your version, then created a shortcut for the folder that I put in my Favorites. Now I can easily find the files and back them up whenever I need to.

    Good work! (And I say that as one digital professional to another -- I don't do visual design, but I suspect we work on the same types of projects.)

    Thanks again!
  • @junkenmetel thanks for the compliment, love the fact some Nesters see the same icon on their desktop, makes the big world a bit smaller don't you think?

    As for the projects I work on, not sure, I suspect I am in a different region than you are. I work at a design studio that makes brochures, advertisements, logo's and a bunch of other (old fashioned) printed on paper stuff. We do see the switch to the digital and play around with it more, but it is a whole different area of expertise. But as a girl who grew up with the first computers and a dad that loved them, I do have a knack for the digital stuff, add the curious-and-want-to-know-everything-and-do-it-myself-factor and presto... a unique icon :D

    See ya around :D
  • lovely icon, e*! I'll plunk this on my backups folder on my Mac too :) need to find out if iExplorer still works...
  • Love the icon, and thank you for sharing it! If I'm going to get rid of the IOS games, I'll need to start backing up my data for the PC regularly. A custom icon like this will make it easy to find where I left the backups on my desktop. I don't look forward to all the work of unlocking and 3*ing every level on the PC, but I guess it has to be done if I want to keep playing AB.
  • @Hinarei I used iExplorer as well, but have switched to Diskaid, which works perfect to on the Mac

    @tbk1 You are welcome :D You could try to transfer the iOs scores on to the PC. Not sure if everything will work perfectly... there is no PC in the house (all Macs). But it is worth a shot right? There are lots of tutorials on the Nest to transfer files, not sure if iOS to PC is one of them.
  • Hi, @brave1966. I've been watching your experiments, but figured it wouldn't hurt to start unlocking all the levels just in case it ends up not being possible to import from ios. I'm much slower on the PC than the ipad.
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