Helppp!!!! Page 1
  • So I accidentally clicked the mighty eagle button and then accidentally dragged the window to the bottom right corner of the game so the button to close it is off screen I can't figure out how to drag it back or close the window so it's just paused In the middle of the game please help
  • Forgot to mention it's on iPhone 4
  • Dragged it? I don't think you can drag any screen in Angry Birds. Sounds like the game may have bugged a bit and misaligned the dialog screen. I'd try pressing the Home button to close the app, then double-pressing the Home button to bring up the mutli-tasking menu, press and hold the Angry Birds icon, then press the red "-" button the close the app completely. Then reopen the app and you should be good. You'll lose the progress the in level you're in, but nothing else.
  • Awesome it worked thanks!
  • I'm new to the game and to this forum. There are some things I just don't get, even after looking at videos. 1. If you ever find the golden eggs, what are you supposed to do with them? 2. How do you get the birds to split into 3?
  • Oops. Just noticed I posted on someone else's thread. Please excuse the intrusion.
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