Ice or Glass Page 1
  • I did this because I get all mad when people call the "ice" "glass" I know that it is ice because a Game Center achievement is called ICE picker for smashing 5000 blocks of ICE.
  • I always thought it was ice.
  • The improved sound effects in Rio are an indication as well ;)
  • @EasyEagle17 First a comment, now a forum post about this. I mean, it's interesting, but as I said, there are more important things in life to get worked up over. Let's move on.
  • At first I didn't know how to post disscussions... so I thought the COMENTS were the disscusions, hence the "I posted this for..." stuff.
  • very good point EasyEagle17, its interesting that game center and rovio twitter contradict each otyher. Lets just settle and say it's freezing cold glass. :)
  • Looking in the files for Angry Birds Seasons (just happened to have the IPA from looking at stuff earlier) the sound files are also labeled as ice. My opinion (which is probably very wrong) is that the blocks were originally devised to be ice, but were later changed to be glass (because this obviously makes more sense).
  • bradnapier... very nice compromise, but I just started this to find out what the blue blocks REALLY are... I'm just curious
  • thanks. and good find RLZIII
  • Well, I admit, I was wrong about this one. Glad you guys got to the bottom of it.
  • But we STILL need more people to ring in with their opinions!
  • I never really thought about that.
  • Maybe you send an email to Rovio.And ask them is it ice or glass?
  • IDC what they say, its glass, i mean, how could they have ice out in the desert and then why does the the sound effect of it breaking sound like smashing/breaking of glass? if its ice make it sound like ice
  • What would breaking ice sound like?
  • hmmm, well i know that it would evaporate into steam if it was destroyed by explosives
  • It is ice..., i'm pretty sure rovio isnt stupid to make a achievement called ice breaker when it's glass..

    It's just common sense.
  • It is ice..., i'm pretty sure rovio isnt stupid to make a achievement called ice breaker when it's glass..

    It's just common sense.
  • Given the twitter link provided by slim, can we put this debate to bed already??
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