The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2801
  • Happy to hear you're OK @Mvnla2.

  • Happy to hear your safe @mvnla2 :)
  • No worries @pa you haven't worn the crown for a while ;)
    How ya feeling?
  • @kathy WASSSUUPPP
    @catsnbirds sounds more like tag your it
    @mvnla2 good to see ya and glad you are ok :)
    @rat yo
  • @Gumby Wassssuuuppp???
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • Still not feeling great @Ma but I'm hanging in there.
    Nighty nite ♥

    Edit: I'm not sure "hanging in there" accurately describes my situation @Ma. I've hardly flung or spoken to any of my good friends for over a year. I've been so depressed that I haven't even told my favorite Star that I'll be in town for her King's birthday. Bad Rat!
  • Awww @Pa sorry feeling so depressed, pain will do that to ya, i wish i could wave a magic wand and make it all better :(
    Hopefully your trip to see the Star for the Kings birthday will cheer you up?
    When is your trip?
  • @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp??? Thought you had the day off? No flinging?
    Mrs. Gumby have the day off also?

  • @Ma Jumping the pond on 26 April so hopefully there will loads of spring flowers in the Netherlands. Looking forward to all the pretty colors. I hope we've timed it right. I say we, but it was Mrs. Rat that booked the NON-refundable river cruise. She didn't know it coincided with the Kings birthday. Big national holiday. All the airlines and hotels are charging double and are hard to come by. ha ha It's a new experience for me. I've never paid five figures for air fare before. Ouch! I dearly love SWDNF but I'm checking air fares and searching for events such as the Queen's birthday or a Royal wedding before she books our trip to England.
  • So you'll be there for the Stars birthday also☆☆
    Willyou be able visit ?
  • Lol, Mister Rat five figures just for air fares! That's awesome. We once spent five figures in one day, booking two holidays: Baltic cruise for June and business class flights to Mauritius and hotel later in the year. Mrs Rat is my kind of woman!
    Hate to mention your weight again, but wouldn't less weight mean less pressure on the spine and neck? Less pressure = less pain. I'm not a medic, obviously, but I put on a lot of weight when I retired, and have since lost about 30lbs and feel so much better. I did it by walking 20+ miles per week, and my legs look fab, ever though I say so myself (I'm so vain, as you know). Guessing walking long distances is not for you, try eating less of Mrs Rat's amazing food, and a gentle amble everyday. You'd be amazed what you can do if you try.
    Mrs Bunny has said her bit, and should try to smoke and drink less, my downfalls....
  • Did we lose @Patz ?
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion, thanks

    Getting pretty slow in here..
    Keep up the good work OB ;) the place looks great!!
  • That's it for tomorrow
    Nighty night @Pa
  • Gee thanks Mrs. Bunny. I never though about my weight being a factor for increased pain.

    Nighty night @Ma
  • Another show day OB. Hmm lately i seem to be my only customer lol, meaning the only one still ordering a drink heehee
    You know.. I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion thanks..
    And seeing it's Tuesday... I'm throwing in a Wwwwhhhhiiiiinnneee...
  • Don't mind me sitting in the back booth @Ma. I'm just waiting for the next Space release. HA HA
  • Hee hee @Pa i always see you there, i just assume OB takes care of you automatically as he's been instructed!! ;)
  • Day late but a dollar extra, blue mongoes on me Kathy
    Rat sorry to hear you are so down
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡
  • Mornin' @Ma
  • I wish my name and avatar could update here
  • Well, Mister Rat, haven't been in for a couple of days. If you know, then do something about it....
  • Listening to my book

    Nighty night @Pa♡ just in case..♡
  • Nighty night @Ma
  • Now now @hunnybunny be nice...
    You were doing so well ....:(
  • @kathy @rat you both smoke, as I do. You will know what an ex-smoker sounds like, "Why don't you give up? I did. I hate smoke." Etc etc gets right on your nerves
    I'm an ex-fatty. I'm like that with overweight people. Losing weight really gave me my confidence back, and I'm that dreadful "ex-fatty" person now.
    Guess I also want Mr Rat to lose weight, to make his pain less, just because he ain't that bad!
    Hope you both understand xx
  • I know you mean well @hunnybunny, and you just want to help as do i..I do understand ..
    I also know how hard it is for me to Gain weight , and it's hurtful when people, even though they mean well, comment on my weight. I guess everyone has their own cross to bear..
    I wish i could wave a magic wand @Pa to ease your pain , alas..
  • @kathy @rat I have two crosses to bear: smoking and drinking. I'm truly an obsessive person. I have gambled away a lot of money, but beat that one. I think smoking has to go next....
    We can do it, if we try
    Strange, but so many people here are OCD, in there own way. Guess that's why we fling stupid cartoon birds at green pigs. And never give up....
  • I'm with ya there @hunnybunny , yep i kicked my gambling habit, now with the High BP I'm trying to kick the smoking too (maybe that'll help me gain weight, plus one of the side affects from the BP meds is weight gain) maybe 2 pigs with one bird so to speak..uhmm the drinking... Well a girl had to do something to relax lol!!
    Yes we are all addictive personalities less we wouldn't keep Flinging cartoon birds at cartoon pigs... But an addict has to have something to hold on to right??
    Or we are insane.. Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results..?
  • While I'm here OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion, and whatever Mrs. Bunny would like on my tab..
  • @kathy I'm sure it's you who quoted Einstein "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"
    We are definitely insane. On that note I'm off to bed....
  • @kathy @OB a small whisky to take to bed, thanks xx
  • Yep that was me @hunnybunny years ago!! Heehee
    Nighty night, enjoy the nightcap :)
    Sorry no hearts this tablet.. Sweet Dreams..
  • @Gumby Where the heck are you ? Says you were active an hour ago ?
  • It's that time...
    Been listening to my book while flinging , but now is time for Dreamland..
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡
  • Nighty night @Ma
  • Hello there Mister Rat, hope you understand, read back, as I said, you ain't THAT bad. Just want my birdy friends to be happy and healthy.
  • Hey there @hunnybunny :)
    The Bff's are on fire... Points are flying!!!
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Tis almost morning. I will say good night @Ma♥ till it be morrow.*

    *liberties taken with Shakespeare
  • Quote for Mr Rat

    The band that seems to tie their friendship together will be the very strangler of their amity.

    So it seems...

    Edit: the words, not the play, Mister Rat!!
  • Ahhh... @hunnybunny Antony and Cleopatra..
    I have to admit i had to Google that... Fitting indeed i think...?
    But i actually came here to Wwwwhhhhiiiiinnneee about HH 1-8 and to order a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion..
    And please @knichy can have whatever he wants whenever he wants it , for his Super Strat on HH 2-15.. Very original , unique high scoring strat!!!
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Very pessimistic attitude Mrs. Bunny.
    Mornin' @Ma
    The Queen rules on HH 2-15. WTG Ma.
  • Afternoon @Pa :D
    Thanks !! All credit goes to @knichy though , for his creative unique strat!!
  • I guess i misunderstood the Shakespeare quote:/
    I took it to mean that What keeps you apart or at odds is what actually bonds you to be friends ¿?
  • OB anything with Super Strength Flinging Potion. Please. I need it....
  • I'll have that to OB , I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion please, and put a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion in @hunnybunny drink also..
    Mrs. Bunny surprised to see you on a Sunday afternoon? What happened to Funday Sunday?
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