The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2713
  • Teaching moment huh @Ma? Always tell the truth. It's easier to keep track of. ha ha
    OK, I'll come clean too. I'm not actually 6'4" tall. I'm really 4'6". he he nobody knows what to believe.

    Nighty nite @Ma

  • Nighty night @pa listening to my book, see all tomorrow
  • Oppsy already said that i think lol, the crown looks good on you @pa shine it up nice for me:)
  • Ya @pa and I'm really 5'2 eyes of blue and 130 lbs roflmao!! The first part is true:)
    O.k really nighty night.. earphones in..
  • I'd whistle for Snort if it wasn't Friday @Ma.
    The first part of mine was true too. That's the reason I'm always hitting my head on low door jams and lighting fixtures.
  • Lol @Pa Not only is it Friday, I'm still on vacation, yep busted I'm still awake lol, going soon..
  • Ya should have learned to duck by now @Pa. ...
  • You'd think, huh @Ma?
  • Yeppers @Pa you'd think.. Lol:)
  • @bernersenn Are you there yet? Are you there yet?
  • Hello guys,
    We're back home. And we brought Wolf with us. Pictures will follow later, perhaps even tomorrow. We're quiet busy here.
  • Yea for you!! Cuddle first, picture later.
  • Congrats @bernersenn! Enjoy your first day of cuddles and puddles lol!
    @karen68 So sorry about Fed. The man looked truly gutted :( You know I can't possibly cheer on your boy but good luck to him! May the best man win tomorrow :D I know @hunnybunny is with me but who is @catsnbirds with?
    Annoying that as per usual the British Grand Prix and Wimbledon final are on at the same time but as Andy is there,it's tennis first and racing recorded. Full sport day ahead tomorrow :)
    Friends are trying to get us through to Dunblane to watch it at one of the local pubs but......
    1...My nerves couldn't take it (although atmosphere would be electric)
    2...One of us has to drive (nerves need alcohol!)
    Tempting as it is I think we'll just get the neighbors round for drinks and nibbles....I think...what to do????
    Have a great Saturday everyone
    Might see you tomorrow X
  • Woohooo Wolf is home!!!!
    @bernersenn enjoy the cuddles
    And a big Huge ((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))) for Wolf: D
  • Lol @bernersenn Guess he Is tired heehee , using the planter as a pillow!!! Tooo Funny!!
    Awwwww he's so cuuuuteee (((((((Hugs)))))))
  • What does aww crap forget her name, Heidi¿ the bitch think of him?
  • Lol @jlz666 , good ideas stay home invite neighbors, hope your afternoon was/is ¿ fun and safe and your guy does well,, now I'm torn.. And i don't even enjoy tennis, @karen68 I hope your guy does well too lol,,
    I don't suppose they could have a tie¿ haha
  • @bernersenn he's beautiful - congrats on finally getting him home :)

    @jlz666 @hunnybunny I guess for once we're going to be on different sides of the net for the final tomorrow. Normally I'd cheer for Murray but not this time!
    I love Federer, & sentimentally I would have loved to see him make another Wimbledon final, but I had to cheer on Raonic. Really exciting that there's finally a Canadian in the final.
    Of course the irony is I won't be home tomorrow morning to watch it. Have to be out & there's nothing I can do about it. Probably the first Wimbledon final I'll miss watching in about 20 years. :( :( :(
    @kathy lol a tie.. that would make things easier :)
  • @wolf @wolf @wolf !!!
    Woo Hoo, what a beaut!
    Cuddles from me
  • @karen68 oh no, missing Wimbledon......
  • @bernersenn he's going to be huge! Look at his paws....
  • Thank you @kathy, I am honored and proud to wear that shiny badge!

    @rat9 and @kathy, ummm, yeah you're both right I did say that! I was probably referring to back in the early 80's when I used to listen to country music, as I had a BF then that was a cowboy. LOL

    Well, it's Saturday and I gotta get some errands done before the temps rise into the 100's.
  • if I still live in this house next year, someone please shhooot me!#
    seriously next year, if I'm still here, I'm renting a hotel or...

  • Oh @kathy just had one of those "you tube don't work in your country" moments, which is very annoying.
    Also have a chest infection (obviously made worse due to smoking) and now I can't smoke at all. Mr Bunny is rubbing his hands in glee.: is it the thought of Mrs Bunny well, or the thought of Mrs Bunny saving so much money that more holidays or cars are a possibility. A pack of twenty here about 13US$ Yikes, that's a lot of money
    @kathy sent the two warring friends on GE a PM, you never know they may become bosom pals
  • @jlz666 Since my guy Fed is out (sob, sob) I'm going to cheer for Ranoic. Canada is only about two hours from my house, and @karen68 needs Nest support for her guy, esp since she can't watch the match tomorrow. @hunnybunny with Murray, the four of us are split equally! Actually, I'll be happy for either one.
  • aww sorry @humnybunny, it's Marshall Tucker band 'Can't you see' good song maybe you can find a version on you tube?
    pm coming your way. .
    hope you feel better, and Mr. Bunny is more Concerned of your health Than the money you'll save, I'm sure that's the case!
    they are expensive here to, depending where you get them
    of course all claim ' lowest price, allowed by Massachusetts state law' but some are $11 a pack some are $8 hmm..
  • @kathy The you tube clip opened up with a Sears ad for air conditioners (a couple fighting for space inside their frig to escape the heat). At first I though you may be referring to this summers heat, then the song began and I thought, hmmm, perhaps referring to bf's mom :-)
  • Lol yeppers @catsnbirds ,i didn't see the ads, but yes you hit the reference perfectly:/
  • @catnbirds @jlz666 @karen68 off to bed, ready for Tennis tomorrow
    @everyone else. Goodnight God Bless xxx
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny Sweet Dreams:)
  • can't stop looking at Wolf :D
  • Thanks @catsnbirds for the support! ;D
    I'm pretty p*ssed that I can't watch it, I'll just have to keep an eye on the score on my phone. My gut says Murray will win, but I'm just happy Raonic made it.
    Night @hunnybunny, enjoy the match tomorrow!
  • @kathy WASSSUUPPP
    @bernersenn Wolf looks as tired as I feel LOL, he's so cute. You must be soooo happy to finally have him at home :)
  • @gumby Waassssupppp???!!
  • Super cute @bernersenn ! Who's everyone rooting for in tomorrow's France / Portugal matchup?
  • @gumby edit that. ..
  • @bennerson -- So glad that you finally got Wolf home! He looks great!
  • isn't he the cutest @mvnla2? nice to see you, sorry I'm on my way out
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Good night @Ma
  • @jlz666 I am apparently not shouting even close to loud enough!
  • OB Cristal on the house for all the Tennis lovers, ,and all the Wolf lovers :D
    think that includes every one:)
  • I'm off to a graduation party,,against my will :(
  • Wooooooohoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
    *****Happy jig****
  • jessh @jlz666 if I didn't know you were watching tennis, I'd think your cheering at my being taken against my will!! hee hee, I take it your guy won? or is winning?
  • Try to remember that the graduation party isn't for you @Ma. It's to congratulate the people that studied long and hard to better themselves. Support em. I do.
  • Congrats to @jlz666 and @hunnybunny ! Sorry, @karen68 Now on to the Olympics!

    Murray gave a very nice acceptance speech.
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