The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2524
  • Ma?
    Where do I need to go to beat this "alleged" Number One Solar Planet flinger?
    I'll accept Rovio's challenge.
  • I found it on twitter Pa:/ from Angry Birds idk, maybe you have to tweet a pic
    @sal9 may know ?
  • I found it Ma. It's on Rovio's AngryBirds site. Boy are they tweeting bad info. I have over 110,000 more points than the individual they say is #1 in Solar System. I replied to their tweet. ha ha
  • Heee Hheee Pa..i imagine their jaws dropping when they see that haha
    *clink* cheers to the Real #1 Space World Champ :D
  • Why thank ya Ma. Thank ya very much.
  • Ya vey welcom thar Pa :)
  • OB I'll take something, uhmm you decide. .I need something that is strong,
    Puhleeezzeee AngrybirdsGoddess at least let me score something before i go to bed, and don't be funny giving me 10 points, something substantial Puleeze I'm begging, I'll worship you forever and always, please please ya know what i don't care if it's Wednesday.

  • @mvnla2 Thank you very much, even if I answer too late... @tompuss is right, here in France we call it "La Fête Nationale" for "The National Fest" or simply "Le 14 juillet" for "The 14th of July". In fact, On July 14th, 1789, the Bastille jail was taken by Parisian rebels (during our French Revolution). Now I will tell you the true story of our National Day. On the 14th of July, our Revolution had already begun. Rebels were in need of guns to fight King Louis XVI's troops. So they went to the Bastille a jail which wasn't really one. Excepted one or two old men their families had put there (!) because they weren't able to keep them in their house, there were only loads of weapons. They sent some men to negotiate with the jail's director. But it was really, really hot. Outside rebels were thirsty to death, so they began drinking wine (of course, water wasn't drinkable in the eighteenth century). And when one of the drunk rebels used accidentally his gun, the battle began... Strangely, Bastille's take printed in people's mind as a heroic revolutionary battle for freedom...

    Hope you enjoyed my story,
  • Thank You @tompuss and @Zack_Voyager for the interesting info about Bastille Day:)
    seems Dickens may have embellished the story's cool to know the true story :)

    Where is everyone OB? I'll take a SpacePigKiller please:)
  • ECHO...CHO...cHO...chO...hO...O...o...o
  • I hear a faint echo from South Carolina. Could it be Rat sat in an empty bar? Wondering how on earth Bunny actually beat one of his Solar System Space scores. Albeit by less than than two hundred points.
    Bunny is hopping around in delight (sad Bunny) Rat will always beat you....
  • Was that a wabbit that ran across my foot?
    When does Wabbit Season open? I've been itching to go wabbit hunting again.
  • Hop. Hop. Hoppity. Hop
  • @rat9 @hunnybunny Hey I really thought the aliens had got you and everyone else for good this time!
    That guy from the backwoods annoying you, Mrs Bunny? Tiresome fella. .
  • Hey @tompuss nice to see you, i heard some ruckus, seems bunnies and rodents are the only patrons lateley lol..
  • Hoppity. Hop.
  • Serious, for once!. @tompuss "La Fete Nationale" eagle pic is amazing. I thought us Brits did the pomp and ceremony stuff the best, but that is awesome
  • @hunnybunny Nice pix! Makes me feel quite nostalgic. . it's a long time since I went back to the UK. You might like this short video, made up of stills from this year's parade. The bearded guys with leather pinnies are the French Foreign Legion, BTW - a great favourite!

    Hello Princess @kathy, great to see you!

    @Zack_Voyager Loved your story! Are you in the Paris region just now? Or on holiday? The latter, I hope, the heat and pollution here are unbearable. .
    Nighty night @all
  • @tompuss loving men in leather pinnies!
    The boxy peaked caps three clips on remind me of gendarmes, and that great book / film "The Day of the Jackal"
    Not the hateful remake though...
  • Wow thanks for the pics @hunnybunny and the video @Tompuss :) Talk about Pomp and Circumstance..What Pride!
    jeez all our Pres did was send a tweet saying ' Enjoy the fireworks' on Independence Day:/
    OB I'm in dire need of a SpacePigKiller and some lucky vibes, can you add some of @Sunshine secret ingredient please :) Ty
  • Y'all can definitely put on a dawg and pony show Mrs. Bunny. But I have to go with @TomPuss for location. They got a paved street with a little arch on it that works real good for showing off.
  • @Hunnybunny. Speaking of pomp, or lack of, did the Queen really call Kate, "Princess Dolittle"? Isn't she a future Queen? That's not cricket Liz. Yeah...I called her Liz. Doesn't feel good to be called by a hurtful, less than respectful, nickname does it?
  • Hi @TomPuss. Believe it or not, I had already watched this video before you posted it. I need to get a life don't I? ha ha I was able to identify most of the units general purpose with the exception of the slow walking, bearded, leather apron wearing, axe toting unit. Who are they? I'm totally lost. They sure seemed proud.
  • @rat9 They're the storied French Foreign Legion! If you watch all the parade you'll see that every other regiment divides into two to peel off the Champs-Elysées. . . except the FL, because the Legion is never divided. Also, they have their own slow march. The Legion is something of a living legend, they hold a special and significant place in people's minds here, as heroes, a certain glamour, if you will. .

    There's lots to read about them if you have the patience. . The leather apron appears to go back a long way: foreign legion leather apron&f=false

    Excellent article from Vanity Fair:

    Wikipedia entry is long but you can skip thro' to find what interests you:

    Like the legendary Wild West, the Legion has been helped along by Hollywood. One classic is "Beau Geste", movie here (Gary Cooper ❤❤) hope it works stateside:


  • So the French Foreign Legion still exists. Thanks for the info @TomPuss.
  • @Hunnybunny -- Ah, yes -- The Horse Guards Parade! One of my favorite memories from long ago! I saw them in London at the Horse Guards' parade ground (I think that's your second pic), and they were doing intricate maneuvers on their horses while accompanied by a live performance of Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture, complete with live cannons!
    @TomPuss @Kathy @rat -- Hi! It's been real silent here, and I haven't popped in much. Good to hear from you all.
  • Hi @mvnla2 :D Good to see you also, was wondering where you've been, I haven't mentioned in the Solar System walkthroughs, not really consistent or worth mentioning in the forum, but quite a few levels the uhmm what ever you call it ,the rocket thingie,sometimes activates in it's own before flinging a bird. it seems to happen right away, i havent kept track of which levels but just an interesting notice :/
  • @Kathy -- Thanks! I'll keep a watch. In other levels, the rockets can do quite a lot of damage.
  • .........SPOILER ALERT..........

    Beau Geste dies at the end of the movie. You didn't prepare me for that @TomPuss. Beau went a little overboard on honor. All three brothers did.

    Nighty Nite Ma
  • @rat9 Only happy endings from now on, O tender-hearted rodent. . . Try "Amélie" - info (including spoilers) here:élie

    Have a feel-good day! xoxo
  • Once again I missed Putting out the earplugs for Whine Tuesday :/
    Well i Declare Wednesday as Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee Day; ) I Can Cuz i make Da to a degree..
    *sets out baskets of earplugs on the bar, and on all the booths. and one on the table by the door *
    Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee away if needed all..
    nighty night :)

    Nighty night Pa ♡
  • Ooohhhh forgot my whine lol..Pig Bang Mirror 7:( impossible
  • Good night Queen of the Solar System.
  • @TomPuss Sorry, couldn't answer you because of Internet problems. But yes, I live in Paris' near suburb, in the south (Bourg-la-Reine, in the Hauts-de-Seine). It's actually at 4 kms of Porte d'Orléans (2.4 miles). And yes, heat isn't supportable here.
  • @Zack_Voyager Bourg-la-Reine??!! Unbelievable! I know it well from my first visit to Paris - a school trip, Easter 1961! Our French class all stayed at the Lycée Lakanal in Sceaux. Is this your school?
  • @Zacks flock @Zack_Voyager @TomPuss -- Please remember not to post anything about your age if you are under 21.
    Hope the heat has left Paris. Don't think the French are big on air-conditioning, right? I couldn't survive without it.
    The weather in LA has been surreal. It's not often that southern CA makes the national news twice in one week for 2 weather conditions that are normally months apart: a wildfire that burned quite a few cars stuck in a traffic jam on I-15, and a flash flood that wiped out a bridge on I-10!
    We actually had measurable rain in LA a few days ago!!! I was going to post about the LA definition of "measurable rain", but it was measurable by the rest of the world's standard. Set all kinds of records for rain in July.
  • Yea @Mvnla2. Measurable rain? Whoo hoo!! The drought's over. ha ha ha
    In a pig's eye, it's over. (another example of adynaton or extreme hyperbole Ma)
  • @TomPuss You go right ahead and post your age again if you feel like it. Does @Mvnla2 think your under 21? You must be looking good today. I'll bet it's been a day or two since someone questioned if you were an adult. ha ha As the last few statements show, I'm becoming more childish the older I get too.
  • @Rat -- I probably should have sent a PM, but maybe you're not the only one who got a chuckle.
  • Soory folks I'll have to catch up tomorrow:( Nighty night All
    Nighty night Pa ♡ Who Da' King◇

  • Nite Nite Ma
    Who da Queen?
  • @rat9 Age 73!!! Na!
    Natti natt xoxo
  • Atta girl @TomPuss. Show us how it's done!
  • Wooot!! 5 Years amazing! Time to Celebrate join the countdown everyone, lets get some puppies'!
  • Wow! I had no idea. So that probably means I've been playing AB for 5 years??? Incredible!
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