The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2390
  • @Kathy run through until you hit the wall of smoke, as fast as you can. Then go back and 3* during the delay. You can enter your scores then. If you dilly-dally on each level, you'll have nothing to do when you hit the delays, unless you buy your way past with coins. First delay is only an hour, second is three, and the last 3-4 or so are 6 hours.
  • @Kathy after level 5 you can character swap for another bird. there's a big menu at the top of the screen. But instead of a swap, it adds that bird to the front of the lineup. If you have enough coins, you could clear any level without flinging any of your original birds, and get the 10k bonus for all of them. Since Rovio made it that way on purpose, it's all legal, and that's why the leaderboards are ruined. The comments are from when we assumed that was a bug.
  • And level 5 is different on Android. You can get a higher score than iOS. That'll be fixed eventually, though.
  • K thanks @Kelani sorry i had to run to the store and the sky just opened up pouring rain!
    I hate driving at night especially in pouring rain!
    K so I'll fling through as fast as i can:)
  • @Kelani I need kelhelp .. calling kelhelpline one ringy dingy..
    I 3 starred up to level #11 now it says 'wall of pigs' there's a pyramid of pigs in Helmets but no bird to fling at them?
  • Oh never mind. .tapped on them and now at new level. .put that keltip on hold lol I'm sure to need it later:)
  • @Kathy do I want to know how long you stared at that level before you figured out to click it? :)
  • Lol @Kelani a good 5 minutes at least haha
  • @Kathy lol. ok, well just so ya know, there's a lot more of those wall of pigs levels. And you have to click on them, too. I think the wall of smoke delay is either right before or right after each of those.
  • Lol thanks @Kelani :) it's kinda fun but not an episode I'd take seriously; )
  • Calling @keltipline one ringy dingy.. @Kelani so i just read a post by @Sweetp but i don't think she's flying about atm do you necessarily NEED to use the yellow bird power or can you just fling like normal?
  • @Kathy no, you can do whatever you want. If you don't want the power, don't tap. The only bird that auto-uses its power I think is Dahlia
  • You can also use most of their powers for a bit after they hit something, except Dahlia.
  • Hi Ma. What's with the Lily Tomlin impressions? They may be going over Kel's head.
  • K thanks @Kelani
    * hands 1000 pts to Kel for keltipline *
  • Hees hee @Pa I was wondering why @kelani didn't comment on that! Forgot he's a youngun'
  • He's always talkin about people missing his references. Where was he?
  • Back to the recorded Bronco game. Later Ma.
  • @Kathy @Rat I got the reference. Was dealing with something :P
  • Gooo Broncos!! Cept' thier not at home Pa they don't do well on the road:(
  • Uh huh! Sure Kel.
  • What station are they on @Pa I can't find the game?
  • It's recorded Ma. I think the game is over.
  • Ooohhhh hence 'recorded' was on earlier I see and i saw halftime i think :/
  • @Rat you accept that I know 'candygram' but not Lily Tomlin? jeez.
  • Well I 3 starred 21 levels now hit a wall of Smoke ..59 minutes and counting tomorrow is another day. .is a fun episode I had to shut of the sound though. .
    Back to abracabacon :(
  • I forgave you not mentioning something about the first one @Kelani. But Ma got real obvious with the second one and you remained mute. Very uncharacteristic of you.
  • What's 'candygram' @ kelani ?
  • Me, I'm oblivious most of the time. But we hold your younger mind to a higher standard. lol
  • An SNL skit @Ma. I never liked, or just didn't get, the shark at the door skits. But a lot of people loved them.

    Edit: It must be a New York thing.
  • Oh @Ma, before I forget, Poke, Poke.
  • @Rat I told ya, I was working on something. :) Look at you, making fun of me when Kathy doesn't know candygram. hmpf.

    @Kathy next time fly through those levels, then 3* later, or you're gonna have a long wait. also, you should have enough coins to buy your way past the first one.
  • @Ma I probably shouldn't poke the bear considering I'm out of commission again.
  • It's OK @Kelani. I believe you...
  • Back to the poorly officiated game. Not happy. I'm beginning to think somebody is making extra money making bad calls.
  • Oohh Kk @kelani k do have enough coins but that seemed like cheating? The whole episode feels like cheating anyway lol and 3starring wasn't hard at all. .I only had to replay a couple.
    I stopped watching SNL in the 70's lol or whenever the old crew with Chevy chase and Gilda Radnor ,John Belushi I stopped watching after that
  • Lol quite A good Poke there @Pa wtg! ;)
  • @Kathy no, nothing you can do in that game is illegal. The admins even used coins to get by faster.
  • Ohh o.k Thanks @Kelani so anything goes huh?
    Well then I guess since is not an episode to be taken seriously I'll think on using coins tomorrow. .but for tonight I'm done with it :/
    I certainly wont be spending any hard earned cash though:)
  • @Kathy Nah, the only people doing that are the ones who like having 60-70 top scores on the leaderboard. It's even sillier when so few people are playing.

    it's fun to play, and there are some hard levels. I had to mute the sound also. Luca crying every time his blocks fall over gets old pretty fast.
  • I feel my eyelids hitting my eyeballs :/ night night work tomorrow :(
  • Night Ma.

    Broncos never get to touch the ball in overtime and lose. Whaaaa! I hate games decided by the coin toss.
  • Aww sorry @Pa nightly night forgot to shut of dinger. . Its looking ugly 6 hours to worktime:/
  • not much longer before that alarm starts a-ringy dingying.

    (there. I'm not busy anymore.)
  • It's OK @Kelani. I believe ya. Reeaaalllly.
  • @Rat I hope so. My mom made me watch Ernestine when i was a littlekel. My uncle worked for Sprint before it was Sprint and had a shirt with one of her quotes.

    "We're the phone company. We don't care; we don't have to."
  • 17 hours w/no comments? Apparently y'all were scared of Ernestine.
  • Just got home from work @kelani :/ who Ernestine
    *must read up*
  • Nope don't remember Ernestine uhmm before Sprint was Sprint it was Nextel I don't remember that slogan either but it fits lol.
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