The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2102
  • We had a 3rd grader down here expelled from school for bringing a mini super soaker to school. Law says nothing gun shaped -even big neon yellow plastic ones. :)
  • @Kathy @Kelani -- Thanks for the link Kathy!
  • @burpie @Kelani @Bernersenn @Amslimfordy @E-Star @SweetP People have mentioned a Windows emulator for Mac. There seems to be only one on the App store. What one do you recommend?
  • @fenikus -- Sorry, I forgot you. Please see above.
  • @Kathy Done, and maybe a good idea. but fwiw I think you're ok, legally.

    @mvnla2 The only windows emulator I've ever used was for Linux. Why would you want a windows emulator on a mac?
  • thanks @kelani ;) don't want to take any chances I have clearance
  • ok, weird. I just got the 'get free powerups by watching this video' thing, and the video was for Farm Heroes Saga. Why would Rovio allow a competing company to advertise in its game?

    @Kathy no, you don't wanna lose that. Major PITA to get back.
  • hmm good question @kelani
  • Unless Rovio bought King, or whatever its name is.

    or king hacked Rovio :P
  • GRR. I've gotten 3 1-birders on #3 in an hour. 93k, 94k, 94k.
  • Well if nobody's gonna talk tonight, I guess I'll go create a 2.6M storm in the River to help deflect that pesky @Ratticane
  • @Kelani -- There is a golf-related program I would like to use that only runs on Windows.
  • @fenikus I finally got a 1 marmoset suicide on #20 just like you. 33,800 points, 1 little furry %$#&*^) left bouncing around.

    @mvnla2 I don't know of one :( btw, I mentioned you on the #20 post. Wasn't sure if you were still looking at that level as SD or not. Apparently it is.
  • @mvnla2, I use VMware Fusion on my Mac laptop to run Windows and I've been very happy with it for 2 years now. Aside from Fusion's competitor, Parallels, there is also a free program made by Oracle, called VirtualBox. It works and you can't beat free, but I shelled out $50 for Fusion because I needed something more dependable for business use.
  • Fusion? That's what I get for filtering my VMWare newsletter to the spam folder.
  • @Kelani, are you going for marmocide just to see if it's possible or to get a good score? Cuz it sounds like even if you get it to work, as @karen68 reports you mostly get under 195K with just using the YB. But go ahead, waste your time -- it works for me!
  • Oh, darn it!

    HaPpY BeLatEd BiRThDaY @AMSlimfordy and @hunnybunny! Hope you both had a blast celebrating!

    @Kelani, sorry to hear your pets aren't feeling well. Hope they get better soon.
  • @fenikus Mostly to see if it's possible, and I wanted the info posted, cause I don't think the high score is really fair. I'm not gonna devote any time to it. As I've been playing on PC tonight, I just reach over and reset #20 on ipad every minute or so.
  • @SweetP lol. Make the right one brown & white, and the left one looks like Robert.
  • What is the deal with BR-2? I've been trying to squeeze out few more points out of it but can't even get close to my 123K score anymore, not even break 120K. I get full clearance across the board with TNT exploding as well and I get 114K?

    Edit: on that 114K run, I even reached out to my laptop to enter 124K because it looked so good. But no...
  • @fenikus #2 is one of the Identical score levels. It helps to restart the game after a hundred attempts if you're not getting good scores.
  • haha, cute @kelani!
  • @fenikus, I saw the breadcrumbs you left behind for #17. Did you mean getting 67K+ includes the large vase and box falling off? I'm getting flinger's cramps after resetting over 100 times!

    Hey! It's Tuesday on the east coast on this side of the pond!

    Oops, sorry folks. I better get out the earplugs before you lose your eardrums!
  • *hurries and places baskets of earplugs in each booth, on the bar, in the gameroom, and near the door*

    OK, time for WHINE TUESDAY @everyone!

    Since I got it started, please use the earplugs so I can continue my WHINE! Your ears will thank me for it!

    wwwhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiinnnnnnnneeeee! WwwwhhhhhHHHhhhiiiiiiiNNNNNNEeeeeeee!
  • That reminds me, I need to buy new earplugs. I started wearing them due to yappy neighbor dogs waking me up, then realized the whole sensory deprivation thing really helps sleep.

    Speaking of, it's bedtime for me. 'night @all happy flingage.
  • Thanks @fenikus for the tip! Yes, that's the one thing I don't like is wood falling into the water that does not get counted! wwhhhiiinneeee!

    Good night @kelani, sweet dreams!
  • @SweetP I've had as high as 75k on #17 first shot without touching the vase.
  • My friend who develops my app actually built a Windows computer and ran both Mac and Windows software, switching between the two depending on what he needed to do. I couldn't tell you how he did it. I just know it's possible.
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster I'm guessing your friend also runs OS X as a virtual machine (Hackintosh)... this way the other operating system is just like any other program that you can keep open and instantly switch to.

    For bonus points, for a while I dressed up my Linux netbook like OS X (Ubuntu 10.04 with a Macbuntu sauce) and ran Windows XP as a virtual machine whenever I needed to log into the office with Citrix... for a second layer of virtual Windows. That netbook had a serious identity crisis :-)
  • Hello guys, wanna say hello. This day is filled up with lots of work - so I don't think I will be very busy with flinging nor with the BP. Have a nice day.
  • @bernersenn, you sound a little weary, my friend. I don't blame you, look what we're up against: @Rat is apparently a mad scientist who invented the "Pixelator" machine, @burpie has finally revealed himself as the world's greatest hacker, and @Kelani plays 23/7 and simultaneously on two devices.

    So, let's take our dogs to a nice relaxing walk and after that see if we can figure out this Candy Crush game everyone is talking about.
  • Oh yeah, @Kelani, almost forgot: bishop to BR-14 -- check. Your move.
  • @Burbie -- Thanks for the article and the advice. Unfortunately the program I would like to run is TPP (Tournament Pairing Progam) developed by the USGA (U.S. Golf Association) to run tournaments and other golf club type activities. There is no Mac version available. It's possible there are some other programs that will do nearly the same thing, but our club uses TPP. Going to a seminar on how to use it in a week or two. Just trying to see if there is any hope of my running it before I go.
  • @mvnla2, I don't know anything about software for the Mac. I'm just a dumb user on Iphone and Ipad. Those I use as other people do with their tv: switch it on, start program, choose level. Perhaps the other guys can help you
  • ******************************************************)( Weather Update )(****************************************************

    + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + THE THUNDER DOWN UNDER, CYCLONE RATISBAC + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +

    The combined efforts of Brazil and The United States to slow the impending approach of Cyclone Ratisbac through aerial seeding have succeeded. They have delayed it hitting the coast by almost a full day. But now, in a strange twist, it will have more time to strengthen. The outer bands of the storm are expected to hit the coast of Brazil Friday, with the massive Cyclone Ratisbac not arriving until late Saturday. Because it was slowed by the seeding, it will linger over the area for longer causing more damage and flooding than ever seen before.

    To better understand this Cyclone, The United States is sending it's newest Hurricane chaser, the "Colonoscopy", to inspect Cyclone Ratisbac. The "Colonoscopy", so named for obvious reasons, will approach from the south and fly deep into the nasty eye of Cyclone Ratisbac on Thursday morning. Real time data and video will be displayed for all to see. The invasive fight is expected to last about thirty minutes. Samples of Ratisbac may be taken for further anal ysis.

    Stay tuned to BP News for your up to the minute coverage of "The Thunder Down Under".
  • Pushing the boundaries there @rat
    But you know a lot about the detritus from the bull :P
  • @kelani I, and indeed Mr Bunny, crush some candies. I have never paid a cent / penny / shilling. I object to paying money for extra candies. There are ways around paying. Legal, but they don't tell you.
    The point of this post is that The Times Rich List has (at least) two new multimillionaires. Two of the four men who invented Candy Crush Saga.
    Sad people who pay that much to make them that much money
    And I have no idea what you and Burpie are talking about...........
  • @Rat Very interesting news, indeed. Someone should preserve all these new reports for posterity. Two comments:

    1. Cloud seeding doesn't slow motion, it causes shrinkage. Instead of looking forward, you should be looking down. :)
    2. Why would US-based hurricane hunters fly past the @Raticane, pull a U-turn and punch through your backside? I'm shocked. If anyone knows the range of the 53d WRS' WC-130s, it should be you :)

    btw, you've made history! Cyclone Ratisbac is the first ever S. Atlantic cyclone to form in May! Gotta love that global warming.
  • @Kelani, "Check. Your move." was my way of informing you that you are now #2 on LBs. "Bishop to BR-14" was an attempt to avoid "where'd you get the points" question.

    I thought it was clever, perhaps too clever ;)
  • @hunnybunny my mom's solution: install all the other copycat games. When she runs out of lives, she plays another. I've read a few reports of people spending $300-500/mo. on those games. I dunno, if one is faced with a decision to play candy crush or pay rent, and they end up in a cardboard box, that spells addiction to me. I'm glad AB is not like that -yet. if it goes that way, I'll stick to the PC version.
  • @fenikus ah, well dammit. That makes more sense. Congrats on that :) I guess that marks the beginning of the bloody fight for 2.6M.
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