Angry Birds Free HD Golden Eggs? (Answered)
  • So I just got three stars on all the levels and I understand there are supposed to be golden eggs. I looked around and found the walkthroughs but the first one I checked doesn't seem to work.. Am I missing something? I've looked online and seen that there's a "Poached Eggs" version of the game supposedly but I have no idea what this means? The only option I seem to have in the game is to replay the same levels. This is the iPad version, btw. Are there just no golden eggs in this version? Sorry if this post is redundant or nooby. I've done my best to look around online for an answer but can't figure it out.
  • 1 Comment
  • In the iOS free version, there are 7 chapters: I, II, III, IV, etc.. No golden eggs.
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