Golden Egg Stars (answered)
  • Sorry if this has been asked before - did a search and nothing came up. I have achieved some decent scores in some of the Golden Egg levels - some even more than the walkthroughs and yet the single yellow star/score does not fill up. I've seen quite a few "full stars" showing lower scores than mine. Why aren't I receiving full stars? I hope this makes sense.
    Thank you.
  • The star thresholds are pretty low. I don't know what you are doing wrong.
  • Slim will answer, but he needs to know which game (AB original or seasons). Also, I don't really know what you mean by the "single yellow star/score does not fill up," could be just me.
  • The "star counter" was added to ABo in v2.0.0. The requirement to earn the star is very low on all levels.
  • The version I have is the PC (a Chrismas present). What I mean by the "single yellow star/score" is when you finish a game, a Level Cleared window opens and gives your score in numbers plus there's a large star. My large star never fills up - it's only partially dark yellow for about three-quarters and the top bit is very pale yellow or creamy white. When I've looked at those stars on the walkthroughs, the star appears to be fully dark yellow.
  • Are you running v2.0.2+ for PC, @Chicadee?
  • No, it says it's v1.5.3 when you run the credits. It does say a new version is available for download but I haven't downloaded it yet. I was going to wait until I finished the games that loaded with the disc first.

    Should I have downloaded the new version before starting?
  • Doesn't matter much when you update, but our advice is directed to the most recent version of the app.
  • I finally downloaded the update mentioned above and it gave me v2.0.2 which completely changed the graphics of the score windows. Therefore what I was talking about above only applies to that old version and it is just the way the old gold stars were coloured. The bonus of downloading the update was I now have Mine & Dine and Birdday Party which weren’t on the original disc. Fortunately too, all my scores/levels were saved/transferred to the new version even though I had not finished the games I had.

    So, at last, I’m on the same playing field as everyone else re the orginal AB and any future questions will be more inclined to make sense!

    This is one happy Chicadee :)
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