All levels locked, only level 1 works.
  • Is there something down or wrong with angry birds game? On 2 of my computers only level 1 works with all the rest locked. On my 3rd computer I get an error when trying to play "can not open config.lua file" Wondering if there is something wrong or down with there sever or something.

  • Try uninstalling and reinstalling. Sounds like something got twisted during the install.

    The uninstall will delete your progress, so if you have a lot of progress you may want to backup your highscores file.
  • It worked fine until the last update. How do I back up my high scores file?
  • Also noticed when I go to and click on games, it says PV version temporally unavailable.
  • Yes we are aware that you cannot currently buy the app, but that does not affect its gameplay.

    The in-game updated only checks for updates periodically (though some users have reported problems), so if you’re not getting prompted for an update and are in a hurry you can download a new installer from Updating this way should maintain your progress just fine, but if you want to be safe backup you LUA files first. Those files are typically found in your /user/AppData/Rovio/ folder, but that path can vary slightly depending on your version of Windows.
  • Thanks for your help so far. It now works on both house computers but not the garage computer. On the garage computer I uninstalled and reinstalled, still have my stats. When I put in the reg, code I get this error "Registration failed Make sure you entered the code correctly and you are connected to the internet". I tried the code 5 times and know I am connected to the internet cause I use this computer all the time and I am posting here on it now.
  • Update 2.0.0 for Original Angry Birds - all progress is gone for game; still have achievements in Crystal; using iPod Touch with iOS 5.0.1 - will I have to get three stars all over again for the first few levels I've completed in the past? Casual user but a little disappointed to see all of the locks on levels previously completed! Suggestions?
  • Please be more specific. Are all levels locked, or did you lose all of your scores? When you open a level, is it score of 0 or your previous highscore.
  • Forgot to add in my last post, I have version 2.0.0 and still can not get the activation code to work on my garage computer.
  • Thank you for responding. The levels are locked, I'm not able to select them in advance and it opens with 0 when I complete the previous level. Please let me know if additional information is needed.
  • @olstyle I'm not sure why it will not work on the other computer. Perhaps you have exhausted all available uses of that code. (It is only supposed to work 3 times.)

    @Tazzyfan Have you ever uninstalled the app, or used a program to backup or transfer your data?
  • Don't think I used up the 3 times. My 3 computers are the only ones I have ever used the code on. Do you think sending Rovio and email for help will help me out?
  • rovio is very helpful.
  • Can't hurt, right?
  • true lol
    just sent them a help email. can't wait to what they say.
  • Sync with iTunes and use a back-up drive with the computer. Have not uninstalled anything on the iPod - did not know I could - I'll go to the iTunes site a learn how to uninstall and reinstall a program....
  • Forgot to update, I did get a new activation code from Rovio. All is good now.
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