Naming Scheme
  • Does any one know what rovios official naming scheme is for each section of Angry Birds?

    For Example, if you have Ham' Em High, 13-1
    Ham 'Em High = Episode
    13 = World
    1 = Level

    So you have three steps of naming.

    I have seen Ham' Em High, referred to as an Episode, Chapter, World, or Theme.
    I've seen the next step referred to as World, Chapter, or Theme.
    And then I think we can agree that the last step is almost always known as a Level.

    Did I just make sense? Does anybody know what Rovio calls the steps/sections?
  • I dont know anything official (of course). But I always thought that the 2nd step was Theme and not World. But i would also like to know the official naming system as well.
  • According to the achievements: Episode -> World -> Level

    I think the term "Theme" came into play with Rovio's old (and now reborn) walk through videos, which referred to Worlds as Themes instead.
  • @RLZIII There you go, I didn't even think about that. It's right there in front of us. Thanks man!
  • oh, i feel dumb! haa
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