Transferring scores or syncing
  • Have they enabled the syncing from device to device yet? If not, does anyone have a suggestion on what I can do with this?

    I have AB on my iPhone and iPad. I away on business and let my fiance play with my iPad. He got the update for the Birdday Party, and got 3 stars on all levels (bless his heart). However, while I was away, I finally got all 3 stars on the mine and dine - nothing on the Birdday Party. Is there anyway I can transfer the scores for the Birdday to my iphone or just the mine and dine to my iPad without erasing the Birdday? I really don't care about the achievements or the high scores, I'm just neurotic enough to want all 3 stars and eggs :)


  • you can't transfer one episode or level. It would have to be the entire progress.
  • Quite right. The sync system is still in development, but it is not clear if that system would even allow such a transfer. Ideally, it would, but that is by no means a guarantee.
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