Extract scores from iPhone
  • Isn't there a way to extract the scores (to an excel sheet or even a textfile), instead of having to step through level by level and writing the score down, to input them into the leaderboard?
  • I'm afraid there is no other way for the moment.
    The only external applications that can extract scores are game center and crystal.
  • I wouldn't call that external applications. Outputting scores to GameCenter and Crystal is built specifically into Angry Birds and it sends the scores to them--it's not a case of them scanning the score file outside of the game. Even then, I think it only sends a total score for groups of levels, not for specific levels.
  • You're right. I stand corrected.
  • Maybe there's no other way, u just have to step through level by level.
  • Just do it. You'll be glad you did.
  • It is a bit of a pain but I find it is an opportunity to review each score as it measures up against the Average and High Scores for each level.
  • We also have rolled out two new features in the past two days that adds even more value to the leaderboards:

    1. You can compare your scores to another user.
    2. Your personal leaderboard now outputs your ranking on each level.

    You can read more about these here:


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