What is the slider at the menu that goes "to the top" for?
  • I have three stars on all levels, but when I'm looking at the menus on the main level selection board (in other words, where you tap to choose level 1, or level 2 or swipe to see levels 3-5), on my 1. Poached Eggs level and my 4. The Big Setup level, the little slider on the left of the icon is almost to the "top" but not quite. It IS at the "top" on all the others. What does that mean?

    I HAVE googled this and searched here, but I guess I haven't chosen the correct key words because I haven't been able to find where anyone else has either had this question or commented on it.

    Thanks in advance for the help!
  • What device are you playing on/with?
  • Any chance you can send a screenshot? I am lost on this one.
  • I think that is your position for your combined score on those levels on the world leaderboard. I'm not sure it's very accurate though as I think that once you get to a certain score it just automatically shows the level at the top. You'll notice if you are disconnected the level falls all the way to the bottom.

    edit: if you notice, at the bottom of the bar is a little atlas/globe icon that is a clue as to what it is for.
  • Ah yes! I totally didn't make that connection. Thanks @CougRon.
  • AHHHHHH. This was bothering me I had no idea what jenandlaw was talking about! Thanks Coug!
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