where is level 14 in Angry Birds v 1.6.2 on a PC?
  • Have three stars on all levels, have 17 golden eggs AND I've finished them. I've gone as far as I can go but I know from the diagram you show that there are more golden eggs that I don't see.

    So there's another level of golden eggs and I know there's level 14 because that one is there, not "coming soon" like level 17, but it's just not open. It's grey.

    My score on level 13/15 was 162,560. Do I need to have a higher score to open level 14?

    And will the rest of the golden eggs appear? Or is this some kind of glitch? like the sound glitch: I can't play with the sound on a lot of the time because the sound files kind of catch and it sounds like machine gun fire. so no music or GLOREEEEEEEEEEEEE!. :(
  • Oh wait...sorry wrong info. my score on level 13/15 is 131730.
  • well, I just answered my own question. I went back and got my score up to 138,260 and level 14/1 opened up. YAY! I hope this will open up some more eggs for me! HEY THANKS ANYWAY. I hope this little thread helps someone else.

    thanks guys for being here. :)
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