Might Eagle Background Icon: Anyone Seen This? Know What It Means? (Answered)
  • OK...Let me set this up for you. I am currently playing original Angry Birds (v1.6.3) on iOS. I am going through the levels and 3 starring and getting the Mighty Eagle feather on each level as I progress. Currently I am on made my way to level 16-13. I had already obtained the Mighty Eagle feather while I made my way to 3 starring and maxing out what sort of score I can reasonably get. I previously had a high score of 152,000+. After about another 5 min, I was able to get a high score of almost 154,000. When the splash screen came up showing the new score, I pressed REPLAY again in order to see if I could again top myself. Upon doing so, the game crashed. When I came back into the game, the little square icon for level 16-13 had not only the 3 stars and Mighty Eagle feather on it, but had a Mighty Eagle sprite in the background of the level box. I was worried that it didn't save my score, so I entered the level. Surprisingly, the score remained. I then scrolled back and forth through 15-17 to see if any others were like this. They weren't. Having my Golden Eggs access and scores taken away from me on previous occasions where the program crashed, I went to go check them out. [They remained - again to my surprise] However, when I went back to World 16, the Mighty Eagle background icon on level 16-13 disappeared (and the reason why I am not able to post a pic, which I was looking to do).

    Has anyone else seen this before? Any significant meaning behind it?

  • I understand what you are describing.

    The "Mighty Eagle" background on a box on the Level Selection Screen means that the level was "passed" via the Mighty Eagle Skip Function. Apparently when the game crashed, it lost the stars for the level, but maintained the score. Once you reentered the level, it registered the score and 3 stars, removing the icon.

    I cannot reproduce the image either -- as I have passed all levels. But the next time an ABo or ABR update comes through, give it a try: Use the Mighty Eagle to skip a level, and you will see that background image again.

    Glad to hear all your scores remained intact.

    {To see the image, check out 1m12s in the video below.}

  • Thank you very much for that info...appreciate it...Looks like I was EXTREMELY lucky to keep my score from it...thankfully I did...needless to say I backed it up IMMEDIATELY afterwards.
  • Actually...after sleeping on this for a bit, and seeing the pic above, I REALLY should've taken a pic before it disappeared...because my previous score of 152K qualified as a three star for that level, the level had three stars. In addition, it had the feather, so this was a chance of a lifetime to catch all of them at one time...Mighty Eagle icon, feather, and three stars on same level. Had I known what it meant beforehand, I would've taken a pic instantly. However, I don't want to be put in the position again to see that to be honest for fear of losing my work, which has happened too often to me and others. It's a miracle I didn't lose anything this time.
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