Angry Birds Problem on Samsung Galaxy S (answered)
  • Maybe someone can help me? I ve got a samsung galaxy s smart phone with latest android on it. I ve got all the big versions of AB (original, season, rio). I have never had any issues. Now yesterday wanted to play some AB original, and just force closes if I try to open it.

    I have tried restarting, doesnt help.

    I ve tried launching from various locations (home screen, app list, system info app list) - all force close. The app used to force close with first doing a black screen (no beginning credits or anything, just black when you click on icon and then force close), but now it doesnt even black screen - just goes straight to force close message.

    I ve also got the Whitney Powell AgryBackup app, and that also wont let me back up the AB original saying I do not have it installed. But the app shows as installed on Android Market/System info etc.

    I just dont know where to go from here, I really do not want to click uninstall and lose all my 3* and stuff ...

    Any ideas?

  • Right, don't uninstall for quite some time. We will try to exhaust all possibilities. First, as a temporary solution, try running your phone in Airplane mode. Also, you could try moving the app between phone memory and SD.
  • I tried flight mode, no difference. How do I move it from phone to SD? I got phone mem, 8 gig inbuilt, and 8 gig extra card in the slot?
  • Hello, I tried moving from internal SD card to phone memory, but it is not working, it says I cant move the app because I dont have enough memory (even though I do?). Help, help!!!
  • That would be something you need to contact Samsumg for. Anything regarding the use/functionality of your Samsumg product needs to be properly directed to them. Hope you get the help you need.
  • Heathen - thanks for advice, but that problem occurs with just AB original, I can move any other app to and fro with no problems.

    I have a suspicion that the app itself is corrupted somewhere, maybe I should wait for the next update and see if installing that on top will fix it?
  • While it may be Angry Birds the file, the actual use or functionality is moving, copying, or otherwise manipulating the file, and that is a function of the OS and device, NOT Angry Birds. Angry Birds' sole purpose is to sling birds at pigs and destroy property. If either one of those weren't functioning properly, then looking to the Angry Birds' community would be prudent.
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