Stupid Mighty Eagle Button
  • I hate the Mighty Eagle button on the screen. When I tap to make a bird do its special thing, I sometims tap on the Mighty Eagle button by mistake and exit my game to that screen. Ugh! I preferred the game before the latest update in which the Mighty Eagle button would go away when a level is solved.
  • You can tap anywhere to activate a bird's ability. Therefore you can avoid tapping anywhere near the Pause Button or Eagle Eye.
  • I know. But the birds shoot off from the left side of the screen and I use my left thumb to do the shooting and tapping. It's only convenient to do my tapping on the left side of the screen also. It's impractical to stretch my thumb across blocking some of the screen to tap elsewhere. The ME button just reduces the amount of space on the left side to tap. I try to avoid it, but every once in awhile I hit it.

    It's really unnecessary to have the ME button on the screen after a level has been solved. No need for anyone to buy the ME to pass that level at that point. And if anyone wants to buy the ME to earn feathers, they can simply purchase it from the main screen. It's unnecessary for it to be there.
  • It is absolutely essential for it to be there if you're trying to get feathers and the placement is fine. The eagle icon is not for purchasing the ME, but rather it's how you summon him during the level. In order to get Total Destruction on some levels you have no choice but to invoke the ME after launching one, if not all, your birds. If you had to exit out first it would completely defeat the purpose.
  • I have, in my haste, accidentally hit the ME button, occasionally at a critical time when trying to max. out a level. I am left-handed so perhaps more likely to accidentally tap it on my iPad.

    I think, once the 100%/feather has been achieved on any given level, then the button should disappear, or shove it in the pause menu. Just an idea. From a programmer's viewpoint, probably a lot of effort for minimal gain.

  • BirdLeader, you are correct. I hadn't thought about summoning the ME. I was thinking in the context of everytime I accidentally hit it, it asks me to buy it.

    Perhaps a solution would be to only display the ME button after all birds have been used. Although I never purchased the ME and have no interest in it so am not familiar with how it works.
  • Interesting, I never thought about what it might be like for some who is left-handed.

    For those who have no interest in every purchasing the Mighty Eagle an option to disable in the settings panel could be worthwhile.
  • Try solving 3-2 without accidentally triggering the ME button. It's just completely in the way.
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