Angry birds mine and dine second uprade?!?
  • Hello everyone,
    On a other website, they said that rovio is making a second upgrade for mine and dine (the coming soon's).
    I guess it's true but they said that it will be the final update.
    But there was a message from rovio that it is not true so...
    I hope rovio will make a new kind a pig.
    And there is my question....:
    Are there ideas for new pigs?
  • 1 Comment
  • My ideas;
    Warfare pig; he have 2 guns and a helmet.
    Zombie pig; A pig that looks like a zombie (duhhhh...)
    vampira pig; A pig that looks like a vampire.
    rock 'n roll pig; looks like a rock.
    drill pig; a pig with a gigantic drill on his head!!
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