Fail to unlock Path of the Jedi on Win Phone 8
  • Hi there,

    I have been trying to unlock "Path of the Jedi" on Windows Phone 8. All sources on the Net state that you have to three-star all standard levels to get it.

    Now I have completed Tattoine, Death Star, Hoth, Cloud City and even the Boba Fett Missions with three stars, but still no Path of the Jedi turning up?

    Do I have to complete the bonus levels, too? I had hoped not because I can't get that sixth golden droid to save my life.

  • Does the Path of the Jedi episode appear at all, but locked?
  • Thanks for your answer.

    No, it's not there at all.
  • If the episode does not appear at all on your device, then it is not available for your device.
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