Post your Road Hogs scores here!
  • I, along with many others, have wanted a leaderboard for Road Hogs. Unfortunately, the ABN Leaderboard is not set up to function that way. That's why I made this forum.
    To post your score, just enter your @ username (the one that appears in parentheses over your nickname in the main site) and your score(s) for one or more Road Hogs levels. Your score will be added to the main page ASAP! (For now only the top 25 will be posted for any one level.) If you like you may also post your strategy.

    R1-@aman with 19.43 secs
    R2-@aman with 18.47 secs
    R3-@anonymousomeone with 13.79 secs
    R4-@aman with 43.20 secs
    R5-@aman with 35.99 secs
    R6-@aman with 53.28 secs
  • Nice idea @theanonymoussomeone
    Every user should also post here the screenshot of Road Hogs level selection screen to proof his/her score :)
  • @Aman
    My scores -
    R1 - 19.43 secs
    R2 - 18.47 secs
    R3 - 22.91 secs
    R4 - 43.20 secs
    R5 - 35.99 secs
    R6 - 53.28 secs
    R7 - no update yet for PC
  • People can post their times and contraptions on walkthrough pages.
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