Questions about unofficial level editor
  • I'm using the level editor, but have no clue how to set the camera positions. I want the camera to look at the right place, but it doesn't. I can change some numbers and it changes where the camera points at different times and zoom levels. But there's like 20+ variables for controlling the camera. I'm using the PC version, but the values are listed as for being for Iphone and Ipad. But some of them still have an effect on the PC version's camera control. Can you please tell me what they are supposed to do? The variable names for the camera controls are bottom, left, px, py, right, screenwidth, screenheight, sx, sy, top. And there are 4 sections they appear in (and these are present in every level#.lua file), ipad subsection in castleCameraData section, iphone subsection in castleCameraData section, ipad subsection in birdCameraData section, and iphone subsection in birdCameraData section. Again, any help with these would be great. I already figured out the object placement with that level editor, but there's no drag-drop GUI controls for camera editing with that editor (like there is for the object placement), so I need to understand the lua code for the camera control if I'm to properly setup the camera in a level I create with that editor.

    Also I need to know how to set the order in which the birds appear. Is it first bird place is first one used, or last one used? Does it have to do with which of the "reserve" birds are leftmost, or rightmost? Any help on setting order of the use of the birds would also be much appreciated.
  • We only support official programs here, not hacks or torrents.
  • This is not a hack. It is not a torrent. It is a 3rd party tool used for editing levels in the game. The software does not in any way "crack" or activate the AB game illegally. It does nothing more than generate lua code for levels, which can then be put into any lua file in a text editor such as Notepad. In fact I am aware that on another forum, one of the members was a Rovio employee, and he stated that he had no problem with people making such 3rd party tools for editing the game, and in fact Rovio had been considering releasing an official editor (but this has not yet happened). So I'm just asking for help with what appears to be perfectly acceptable software.
  • Perhaps that forum is a better place to ask these questions, @Animedude5555. As far as I think, taking LUA code is a form of hacking.
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