Huge app sizes for all AB HD for ipad
  • I am running out of space on my ipad mini and wanted to get rid of some apps. When I looked at my disk usage, I was shocked to see how bloated the AB HD programs were, anywhere from 3 to 8 times larger than the size on the itunes info screens.

    Does anyone know what is causing such a gross discrepancy and how to get the total app size under control? Total size combined is now over 1GB! I tried a search but couldn't find anything useful.

    AB Original -- 322 MB (45.4 MB per itunes)
    AB Seasons -- 348 MB, (44.0 MB per itunes)
    AB Rio -- 138 MB (41.2 MB per itunes)
    AB Space -- 194 MB (34.7 MB per itunes)
    AB Star Wars -- 127 MB (33.2 per itunes)
  • Application sizes that are listed in iTunes Store are for "plain" game. Your saved datas make application bigger.
  • When you dig into the details on disk usage, it lists the size for the "data and document files" as less than 10 MB for Seasons and Original. The rest is shown as the app size.
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