2013 release schedule and wish list
  • Since today is the first Thursday of 2013, I was hoping we might see an update today to kick the year off, but no such luck! So, I thought I would speculate what the next few updates will be, generate some discussion, and have a wish list.

    Here is what I think we'll see in the next few weeks or so:
    Bad Piggies: Flight in the Night (Part 2)
    Rio: Fruit Market
    Star Wars: Hoth (part 2)
    Space: Pig Dipper
    Classic: Bad Piggies (part 3)

    Speculation/Wish List:
    Seasons: Chinese New Year (Year of the Snake): doubtful, I think this won't happen
    Classic: would like to see Pigini Beach added as a non-sequential episode like Surf & Turf
    Star Wars: Cloud City!
    AB Free: 3 new Bad Piggies levels
    Rio Free: add Airfield Chase & Smugglers Plane (says "Coming Soon") but make them unique to generate more interest in Rio
  • I hope we see an update soon (mainly to either Space or Star Wars) as I don't participate in the Facebook levels and I am doing my head in waiting for an update :D

    I realise they updated just about all games in late Nov / Early December but they have hinted at the occasional Star Wars update since on the FB page with pictures like the following with the caption

    "Sounds like something big is coming! What could it be?"


    That was posted Dec 13 and yet nothing since :(
  • That picture looks like a scene from the Star Wars episode 5 empire strikes back and they recreated it using the angry birds star wars birds so it would just b a regular update with 20 new levels and cut scenes like from the movie but im waiting 4 an update 2? Any idea y its taking so long? I think ik y
  • Rovio is still overdue for Rio v1.5.0 for PC, release day +17 and counting... :(
  • @brave1966 Based on Rovio's latest tweets, we may not see it until v1.6.0.
  • @AMslimfordy: Let's hope Rovio's just recruiting additional talent rather than replacing what they have.
  • Thanks CC! I really liked Dr Omega's cloud storage idea. That would be a huge benefit to serious AB players who play on multiple platforms & devices. It would also allow someone a much easier process to upgrade to a new OS or device without going through complicated back-up process & save progress on games.
  • Looks like AB Space: Pig Dipper is the first update for 2013!
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