Seasons Updates
  • The next Angry Birds Seasons update is in June, what holiday could come up then? Anyway, if you hear about the next update, post it here.
  • Could the June one be about summer?
  • If they want to go U.S.-centric, then a late June release for the 4th of July comes to mind.
  • Good point, but if it comes ut in EARLY June, than summer makes more sense.
  • I think it will be Juhannus, which is later in June. Juhannus is a major holiday in Finland and it's less specific name (Midsummer) is celebrated through most of Europe.
  • One: That makes sense, because isn't Rovio a Finland company? And Two: What the heck IS Juhannus.
  • As I posted in the News & Rumors board my prediction is it will be a mix of summerish holiday's from around the world.
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